134 Executed Unavailable Migrations - unable to doctrine:schema:update - foreign key constraint 'FK_3A18CA5A19EB6921'

Thank you very much @madpet :slight_smile:

With your help I think I fixed the 134 “Executed Unavailable Migrations” problem.

Now I still have the doctrine:schema:update which is failing with the message:
General error: 1832 Cannot change column 'client_id': used in a foreign key constraint 'FK_3A18CA5A19EB6921'

When I run doctrine:schema:update --dump-sql I have more than 100 SQL statements to be executed to bring my database up to date. So far it’s working ok like that but I fear one day it won’t anymore, so I still would like to do this update.

Any hint about fixing this foreign key constraint ?

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