Category | Topics |
AnnouncementsImportant announcements - only administrators and moderators have write-access to this category.
Product SupportThis forum is for requests for help with the self-hosted, Open Source version of Mautic. Check the Knowledgebase, Documentation and Developer Documentation as many questions are answered there! Please use the post template to enable the community to help you effectively.
Marketing SupportAny questions about marketing should be posted here. Please use Product Support for Mautic-specific questions
3rd Party Addons3rd party plugins (mixins) category.
CommercialAbout commercial Mautic related stuff - this is the place to post jobs or paid gigs, etc. All soliciting must be in this public category, private solicitations are not permitted here. All posts are moderated.
Ideas and Feature RequestsThis is a place to share ideas and feature requests for Mautic. Please use the post template when creating a new post and ensure you use the search facility to check it hasn’t been shared before!
General DiscussionUse this category for general discussions about Mautic or related topics.
DevelopmentAnything related to development with Mautic!
DocumentationInterested in contributing to the Mautic documentation? Found something that needs to be fixed? Post in this category!
DesignA place for discussion on all things design relating to Mautic.
Community BlogGot an idea for the Mautic community blog? Want to join the team who work on curating and editing the blog posts? This is the place for you!
Mautic TranslationsInterested in helping to translate Mautic? Found a problem with a language string in Mautic? Post here!
LocalesInterested in helping to translate into other languages? Post here!
CommunityThis is the home of all things associated with the Mautic community. You will find sub-categories for each team, where working groups will share what they are working on and have discussions around tasks.
International - By LanguageA forum for our international community to communicate in their native languages. Don’t see your language listed? Please make a post in #international-by-language with the language, and the names of two people who are willing to moderate the forum and we’ll set you up!
International - By CountryA forum for our international community to connect with others from their geographic region. Don’t see your country listed? Please make a post in #international-by-country with the country, and the names of two people who are willing to moderate the forum and we’ll set you up!
Mautic MeetupsA forum for official Mautic Meetups happening around the world. Interested in starting one in your area? Open a discussion in your country’s sub-forum in #international-by-country to get the process started!
Site FeedbackDiscussion about the site and forums, its organization, how it works, and how we can improve it.