Errors after running schema:update - foreign key constraint

Thanks for the response @mzagmajster

Before I do anything in Mautic I always run these in this order - learnt this in my earliest upgrade hells:

php bin/console doctrine:migration:migrate
php bin/console doctrine:schema:update --force
php bin/console cache:clear

I always get No migrations to execute. on the first command.

I always get a foreign key constraint error on the second and have mostly ignored these until now, because it didn’t seem to cause any problems.

I now want to fix this, because now I do have problems with failing imports related to foreign key constraints.

As pointed out in my previous post, I am not the only one who has run into this issue and am pretty sure it has nothing to do with me not running migrate enough.

I would avoid any upgrades until you resolve the issues with migration.

How can I resolve the issues?