Mautic Source Code Set Up Locally

Hello, I am new to Mautic and I am trying to set up Mautic locally on my Windows computer. Through trial and error I have learned a lot about setting up Mautic. I am now using the source code from github 5.1.0 and the issue I am having is the file set up I am not sure how to configure the files to make the program run. I have the appropiate version of Mautic, Composer, Php, Git, Sql. Symfony is already in the Mautic file. I have just been facing so many issues. I am new to coding and would like to know if there is clear instructions on how to set up Mautic on my computer locally. I also want to practice code with Mautic and mount it on docker so I can add my own features in the future. Please help I need to know what file holds the extensions that are needed and what packages and folders go together. I am a student and would like to learn more about Mautic please help!

Hi there, I just happened across this in the Community category. I think you meant to post it in Development so I’ve just moved it there and will ask some folks to respond.

As a starting point, please check out the docs here:

This is about how to set up Mautic locally for development/testing. Note that index_dev.php is now not required as we use Symfony environments now, but this page hasn’t been updated yet.