2022: The Year in Review

Top #General Discussion Topics

Most Read

User Topic Hours Read
Surge Mautic Dashboard into something Amazing! 5

Most Replies

User Topic Replies
Mautic Notification and repeated 500 error after update to 4.2 28
High CPU Usage 26
How are you managing email sending for multiple cients (each client with its own instance of mautic)? 25
Failed email status only after three attempts 21
What campaign blueprints would you use? 15

Most Popular

User Topic Score
Surge Mautic Dashboard into something Amazing! 20
Failed email status only after three attempts 16
Mautic Notification and repeated 500 error after update to 4.2 16
What campaign blueprints would you use? 16
How are you managing email sending for multiple cients (each client with its own instance of mautic)? 16