Acquia's response to the Mautic Community Manifesto

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Acquia’s response to the Mautic Community Manifesto

Thanks a lot to Ruth and Acquia’s team for that fast answer to the community Manifesto. I believe this is an excellent job and a fantastic progress.
Nevertheless, there is one point in the manifesto which is not 100% clearly addressed:

Timeline for an independent NGO as the embodiment of the community (including hand-over of control over community assets like website etc.)

What is you intention exactly?
IMO, I’d be good with any answer but we need a clear vision of where goes the community please, as mentioned in the paragraph “Transparency” of the manifesto.

  • If you go for it, the manifesto asked for a commitment and timeline.
  • If you don’t go for it, could you kindly explain more in details, the reasons that make you thinking a NGO wouldn’t be the good option for the community?

Thanks a lot again and again!