Atlanta, GA

Any Mautic users near Atlanta, GA?

Any Mautic users near Atlanta, GA?

i wish be there.

I live in Sandy Springsโ€ฆ would love to get together and talk Mautic.

@caleb.hurd Awesome!

I list in Brookhaven and open to connecting with some other users.

I live in Decatur and would like to talk Mautic.

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Sounds great - @naomicbush @ninjoan @caleb.hurd @highstrat are you folks still interested in a Mautic Meetup in Atlanta? We can get you up and running with a Meetup group if youโ€™d like to kick off a group there!

All we need is two people to step up as organisers, a venue and a first meeting date! Happy to help getting this going if I can!