Be a Catalyst for Change: Contribute to Mautic this Open Source Friday šŸ§Ŗ

Hello Mautic Family! :wave:

As we approach the weekend, thereā€™s no better way to celebrate than by rolling up your sleeves for Open Source Friday! We urge you to take part and make a difference.

Here at Mautic, we embody the spirit of Openness and Transparency, Integrity and Respect, Engagement and Representation, Action and Accountability, and Fairness and inclusivity. Itā€™s the power of the community that drives us forward, and thatā€™s where you come in! :muscle:

There are various ways you can contribute to the magic of Mautic. Our community team, education team, product team, and marketing team are all eager for your unique insights and skills :star2:

Regardless of your role - if you can code, design, test, write or even just cheer us on, thereā€™s a place for you here! :heart:

Remember, partaking isnā€™t just about contributing, but also creating a vibrant and supportive community that is both fair and inclusive. Itā€™s about encouraging everyone to have their voice heard in order to foster growth for all.

We urge you to visit the contributorā€™s guide to find out more about how to get actively involved in shaping the future of Mautic. With every action taken, we become a stronger, smarter, and more representative community :raised_hands:

Join us in driving forward this incredible project we all know and love - because Mautic doesnā€™t just represent software, it represents people - people like YOU! :blush:

:mega: Become a member!

First thingā€™s first for folks who are busy and havenā€™t got time to contribute practically (and also those of you who do!) - have you become a member yet?

Take a look at our blog post: Mauticā€™s new chapter: fueling open source innovation through the General Assembly - Mautic Community for details on individual membership and corporate membership tiers.

If you want to support Mautic, head over to Open Collective and sign up right away!

Community Team

:globe_with_meridians: :people_holding_hands: Do you want to organize a local meetup in your region? We are excited that there are two new meetup groups just getting started, weā€™d love to have more! Drop us a line in #t-community with the city that you are located in and letā€™s get talking!

Education Team

Technical writers: Help us finish the Dev Docs! :writing_hand:

We are :straight_ruler: this close to finishing the new dev docs which are a massive improvement on our current documentation and will help new developers to get up to speed with Mautic much faster.

Could you help us to update the MVC docs and bring them over to the new repository?

How about helping us create Postman collections to super charge developers on their journey with our API?

:mega: Join #t-education on Slack and letā€™s get the project completed!

Marketing Team

We need some help with developing our inbound marketing plan and kicking off an ambassadors program, as well as launching and publicising the new membership tiers.

Weā€™re also starting to plan some in person events where we will be showcasing Mautic, so if field marketing is your thing come, and join us and help the spread the word about Mautic!

We need help with everything from designing the stand, banners, stickers, fliers etc to creating inspiring videos, demos, and followup workflows to engage with people who we meet on the day.

:loudspeaker: Join the conversation in #t-marketing on Slack!

Drupal developers: We need you too! :droplet:

We are building a team to work on developing some changes and improvements on the website.

Want to join us? Head over to #mautic-community-website on Slack, or check out our GitHub repository:

Product Team

:thinking: When is Mautic 5 going to be released?

:mautibot: When people like you :people_hugging: help us to test fixes for the bugs :bug: that we found
after all the update work has been completed, and poke about in Mautic 5 to make sure that everything itā€™s working as it should be.

Hereā€™s how you can help us by giving us a bit of your time on a Friday, or indeed any day!

:bug: Testing bugs and new features

We have a whole bunch of exciting new features and bugs that have been found with both Mautic 4 and Mautic 5, which need testing.:computer::hammer_and_wrench:

You can do all of the testing within your browser - no need to install Mautic, apply patches, or anything fancy! Just one click will take you to a Mautic instance with the fix or feature applied, ready for testing.

Learn more in the docs at . :globe_with_meridians: :sparkler:

Prefer guided tours? Hop on for our video tutorial journey! :film_projector:

:loudspeaker: Need assistance? Join us at the #t-product channel on Slack!

:thinking: Wondering what needs testing? Youā€™re in luck! We have a project board which has been especially curated:

Together, we are what makes Mautic magnificent. Letā€™s continue to uphold our core values and shape a brighter future for our community. Thank you for being part of our incredible journey, we canā€™t wait to see what we achieve together this Open Source Friday! :trophy:

Happy contributing, and stellar weekend, folks! :tada:

Your Mautic Family :family:

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