Beta 3 Released


Today, it is with great pleasure that we release 1.0.0 Beta 3 to everyone which is available to download at !

We want to give a big “thank you” to all our private beta testers for being the first to give Mautic a test spin! Your feedback has made today possible.

For those with a hosted account, no action is required as we have already upgraded your accounts.

For those who have set up their own installations of Mautic, there are a couple of update options available to you:

Option 1 (Preferred) - Use the command line updater

The preferred update route is the command line updater. This is broken into two parts: finding the update and applying it. Before performing the below steps, you will need to set the Update Stability option in the configuration to Beta otherwise the updater will only query for Stable updates. After you’ve done this, from your command line interface, do the following:

  1. Navigate to the root of your Mautic installation. For example,
cd /home/myuser/public_html
2. Run the command
php app/console mautic:update:find --env=prod
to query our update system for updates, a successful ping should let you know that the beta 3 release is available.
3. Run the command
php app/console mautic:update:apply --env=prod
to apply the update. If during this process you are presented with an option for a database migration, please say No as this will be handled in step 6.
4. After the update, you'll want to check that all files have the correct permissions for your environment and are owned by the correct user. The quickest way to do this is to run the following commands if you're in a *nix style command line:
find . -type d -exec chmod 755 {} ; find . -type f -exec chmod 644 {} ; chown -R :
5. Login as an administrator then click on the three horizontal bars in the upper right hand corner to activate the right sidebar. Click Configuration then Save and Close. No changes are required to the actual settings.
6. Run the command
php app/console doctrine:schema:update --env=prod --force
to update your database. If you prefer to just view the queries and apply them yourself, use
php app/console doctrine:schema:update --env=prod --dump-sql

After this, you've successfully updated to beta 3!

Option 2 - FTP

If for some reason you cannot update from the command line, the other option is FTP or directly replacing the files in your installation. Note, that this will only work for those that use MySQL as manual update of the database schema is required and we cannot generate queries for the other platforms. The following steps are recommended:

1. Backup app/config/local.php just as a precaution. This is the file that has your database connection information.
2. Delete the following two directories app/bundles/ChatBundle and app/cache/prod.
3. Download the Beta 3 package from and overwrite existing files.
4. Update your database schema manually. Below are the MySQL queries required to upgrade the schema from Beta 2 to Beta 3. If you use another platform, you will need to use the cli command in step 6 of Option 1.
5. Login as an administrator, then click on the three horizontal bars in the upper right hand corner to activate the right sidebar. Click Configuration then Save and Close. No changes are required to the actual settings.
Browse to your site, and you should be set!


If you have any questions or issues with upgrading to Beta 3, please post them here and we will do our best to address them.

[h]Happy Marketing![/h]

MySQL Upgrade Queries

Search and replace mautic_ with the table prefix you used during installation. if you did not add a prefix, then replace mautic_ with nothing.
CREATE TABLE mautic_notifications (id INT AUTO_INCREMENT NOT NULL, user_id INT NOT NULL, type VARCHAR(25) DEFAULT NULL, header VARCHAR(255) DEFAULT NULL, message VARCHAR(255) NOT NULL, date_added DATETIME NOT NULL, icon_class VARCHAR(255) DEFAULT NULL, is_read TINYINT(1) NOT NULL, INDEX IDX_3C5E90C5A76ED395 (user_id), PRIMARY KEY(id)) DEFAULT CHARACTER SET utf8 COLLATE utf8_unicode_ci ENGINE = InnoDB; ALTER TABLE mautic_notifications ADD CONSTRAINT FK_3C5E90C5A76ED395 FOREIGN KEY (user_id) REFERENCES mautic_users (id) ON DELETE CASCADE; ALTER TABLE mautic_oauth2_clients ADD random_id VARCHAR(255) NOT NULL, ADD redirect_uris LONGTEXT NOT NULL COMMENT '(DC2Type:array)', ADD secret VARCHAR(255) NOT NULL, ADD allowed_grant_types LONGTEXT NOT NULL COMMENT '(DC2Type:array)'; ALTER TABLE mautic_oauth2_accesstokens ADD token VARCHAR(255) NOT NULL, ADD expires_at INT DEFAULT NULL, ADD scope VARCHAR(255) DEFAULT NULL; CREATE UNIQUE INDEX UNIQ_6022AB9D5F37A13B ON mautic_oauth2_accesstokens (token); ALTER TABLE mautic_oauth2_refreshtokens ADD token VARCHAR(255) NOT NULL, ADD expires_at INT DEFAULT NULL, ADD scope VARCHAR(255) DEFAULT NULL; CREATE UNIQUE INDEX UNIQ_37D636695F37A13B ON mautic_oauth2_refreshtokens (token); ALTER TABLE mautic_oauth2_authcodes ADD token VARCHAR(255) NOT NULL, ADD redirect_uri LONGTEXT NOT NULL, ADD expires_at INT DEFAULT NULL, ADD scope VARCHAR(255) DEFAULT NULL; CREATE UNIQUE INDEX UNIQ_D34803B45F37A13B ON mautic_oauth2_authcodes (token); ALTER TABLE mautic_emails ADD unsubscribeform_id INT DEFAULT NULL; ALTER TABLE mautic_emails ADD CONSTRAINT FK_C5B33A282DC494F6 FOREIGN KEY (unsubscribeform_id) REFERENCES mautic_forms (id) ON DELETE SET NULL; CREATE INDEX IDX_C5B33A282DC494F6 ON mautic_emails (unsubscribeform_id); ALTER TABLE mautic_lead_notes DROP FOREIGN KEY FK_9467A55055458D; ALTER TABLE mautic_lead_notes ADD CONSTRAINT FK_9467A55055458D FOREIGN KEY (lead_id) REFERENCES mautic_leads (id) ON DELETE CASCADE; ALTER TABLE mautic_users ADD preferences LONGTEXT DEFAULT NULL COMMENT '(DC2Type:array)'; ALTER TABLE mautic_channel_stats DROP FOREIGN KEY FK_BC384F24A76ED395; ALTER TABLE mautic_channel_stats DROP FOREIGN KEY FK_BC384F2472F5A1AA; ALTER TABLE mautic_channel_stats ADD date_joined DATETIME NOT NULL; ALTER TABLE mautic_channel_stats ADD CONSTRAINT FK_BC384F24A76ED395 FOREIGN KEY (user_id) REFERENCES mautic_users (id) ON DELETE CASCADE; ALTER TABLE mautic_channel_stats ADD CONSTRAINT FK_BC384F2472F5A1AA FOREIGN KEY (channel_id) REFERENCES mautic_chat_channels (id) ON DELETE CASCADE; ALTER TABLE mautic_chats DROP FOREIGN KEY FK_CC91829672F5A1AA; ALTER TABLE mautic_chats DROP FOREIGN KEY FK_CC9182966A7DC786; ALTER TABLE mautic_chats DROP FOREIGN KEY FK_CC918296F8050BAA; ALTER TABLE mautic_chats ADD is_notified TINYINT(1) NOT NULL; ALTER TABLE mautic_chats ADD CONSTRAINT FK_CC91829672F5A1AA FOREIGN KEY (channel_id) REFERENCES mautic_chat_channels (id) ON DELETE CASCADE; ALTER TABLE mautic_chats ADD CONSTRAINT FK_CC9182966A7DC786 FOREIGN KEY (to_user) REFERENCES mautic_users (id) ON DELETE CASCADE; ALTER TABLE mautic_chats ADD CONSTRAINT FK_CC918296F8050BAA FOREIGN KEY (from_user) REFERENCES mautic_users (id) ON DELETE CASCADE;


Today, it is with great pleasure that we release 1.0.0 Beta 3 to everyone which is available to download at !

We want to give a big “thank you” to all our private beta testers for being the first to give Mautic a test spin! Your feedback has made today possible.

For those with a hosted account, no action is required as we have already upgraded your accounts.

For those who have set up their own installations of Mautic, there are a couple of update options available to you:

Option 1 (Preferred) - Use the command line updater

The preferred update route is the command line updater. This is broken into two parts: finding the update and applying it. Before performing the below steps, you will need to set the Update Stability option in the configuration to Beta otherwise the updater will only query for Stable updates. After you’ve done this, from your command line interface, do the following:

  1. Navigate to the root of your Mautic installation. For example, cd /home/myuser/public_html
  2. Run the command php app/console mautic:update:find --env=prod to query our update system for updates, a successful ping should let you know that the beta 3 release is available.
  3. Run the command php app/console mautic:update:apply --env=prod to apply the update. If during this process you are presented with an option for a database migration, please say No as this will be handled in step 6.
  4. After the update, you’ll want to check that all files have the correct permissions for your environment and are owned by the correct user. The quickest way to do this is to run the following commands if you’re in a *nix style command line: find . -type d -exec chmod 755 {} ; find . -type f -exec chmod 644 {} ; chown -R <user>:<group>
  5. Login as an administrator then click on the three horizontal bars in the upper right hand corner to activate the right sidebar. Click Configuration then Save and Close. No changes are required to the actual settings.
  6. Run the command php app/console doctrine:schema:update --env=prod --force to update your database. If you prefer to just view the queries and apply them yourself, use php app/console doctrine:schema:update --env=prod --dump-sql instead.

After this, you’ve successfully updated to beta 3!

Option 2 - FTP

If for some reason you cannot update from the command line, the other option is FTP or directly replacing the files in your installation. Note, that this will only work for those that use MySQL as manual update of the database schema is required and we cannot generate queries for the other platforms. The following steps are recommended:

  1. Backup app/config/local.php just as a precaution. This is the file that has your database connection information.
  2. Delete the following two directories app/bundles/ChatBundle and app/cache/prod.
  3. Download the Beta 3 package from and overwrite existing files.
  4. Update your database schema manually. Below are the MySQL queries required to upgrade the schema from Beta 2 to Beta 3. If you use another platform, you will need to use the cli command in step 6 of Option 1.
  5. Login as an administrator, then click on the three horizontal bars in the upper right hand corner to activate the right sidebar. Click Configuration then Save and Close. No changes are required to the actual settings.
    Browse to your site, and you should be set!


If you have any questions or issues with upgrading to Beta 3, please post them here and we will do our best to address them.

[h]Happy Marketing![/h]

MySQL Upgrade Queries

Search and replace mautic_ with the table prefix you used during installation. if you did not add a prefix, then replace mautic_ with nothing.

CREATE TABLE mautic_notifications (id INT AUTO_INCREMENT NOT NULL, user_id INT NOT NULL, type VARCHAR(25) DEFAULT NULL, header VARCHAR(255) DEFAULT NULL, message VARCHAR(255) NOT NULL, date_added DATETIME NOT NULL, icon_class VARCHAR(255) DEFAULT NULL, is_read TINYINT(1) NOT NULL, INDEX IDX_3C5E90C5A76ED395 (user_id), PRIMARY KEY(id)) DEFAULT CHARACTER SET utf8 COLLATE utf8_unicode_ci ENGINE = InnoDB;
ALTER TABLE mautic_notifications ADD CONSTRAINT FK_3C5E90C5A76ED395 FOREIGN KEY (user_id) REFERENCES mautic_users (id) ON DELETE CASCADE;
ALTER TABLE mautic_oauth2_clients ADD random_id VARCHAR(255) NOT NULL, ADD redirect_uris LONGTEXT NOT NULL COMMENT '(DC2Type:array)', ADD secret VARCHAR(255) NOT NULL, ADD allowed_grant_types LONGTEXT NOT NULL COMMENT '(DC2Type:array)';
ALTER TABLE mautic_oauth2_accesstokens ADD token VARCHAR(255) NOT NULL, ADD expires_at INT DEFAULT NULL, ADD scope VARCHAR(255) DEFAULT NULL;
CREATE UNIQUE INDEX UNIQ_6022AB9D5F37A13B ON mautic_oauth2_accesstokens (token);
ALTER TABLE mautic_oauth2_refreshtokens ADD token VARCHAR(255) NOT NULL, ADD expires_at INT DEFAULT NULL, ADD scope VARCHAR(255) DEFAULT NULL;
CREATE UNIQUE INDEX UNIQ_37D636695F37A13B ON mautic_oauth2_refreshtokens (token);
ALTER TABLE mautic_oauth2_authcodes ADD token VARCHAR(255) NOT NULL, ADD redirect_uri LONGTEXT NOT NULL, ADD expires_at INT DEFAULT NULL, ADD scope VARCHAR(255) DEFAULT NULL;
CREATE UNIQUE INDEX UNIQ_D34803B45F37A13B ON mautic_oauth2_authcodes (token);
ALTER TABLE mautic_emails ADD unsubscribeform_id INT DEFAULT NULL;
ALTER TABLE mautic_emails ADD CONSTRAINT FK_C5B33A282DC494F6 FOREIGN KEY (unsubscribeform_id) REFERENCES mautic_forms (id) ON DELETE SET NULL;
CREATE INDEX IDX_C5B33A282DC494F6 ON mautic_emails (unsubscribeform_id);
ALTER TABLE mautic_lead_notes DROP FOREIGN KEY FK_9467A55055458D;
ALTER TABLE mautic_lead_notes ADD CONSTRAINT FK_9467A55055458D FOREIGN KEY (lead_id) REFERENCES mautic_leads (id) ON DELETE CASCADE;
ALTER TABLE mautic_users ADD preferences LONGTEXT DEFAULT NULL COMMENT '(DC2Type:array)';
ALTER TABLE mautic_channel_stats DROP FOREIGN KEY FK_BC384F24A76ED395;
ALTER TABLE mautic_channel_stats DROP FOREIGN KEY FK_BC384F2472F5A1AA;
ALTER TABLE mautic_channel_stats ADD date_joined DATETIME NOT NULL;
ALTER TABLE mautic_channel_stats ADD CONSTRAINT FK_BC384F24A76ED395 FOREIGN KEY (user_id) REFERENCES mautic_users (id) ON DELETE CASCADE;
ALTER TABLE mautic_channel_stats ADD CONSTRAINT FK_BC384F2472F5A1AA FOREIGN KEY (channel_id) REFERENCES mautic_chat_channels (id) ON DELETE CASCADE;
ALTER TABLE mautic_chats DROP FOREIGN KEY FK_CC9182966A7DC786;
ALTER TABLE mautic_chats ADD is_notified TINYINT(1) NOT NULL;
ALTER TABLE mautic_chats ADD CONSTRAINT FK_CC91829672F5A1AA FOREIGN KEY (channel_id) REFERENCES mautic_chat_channels (id) ON DELETE CASCADE;