Can you spare some time on Friday to help us make Mautic better?

Every Friday we come together in the Mautic Community to test bug fixes, features and improvements to Mautic, and work on fixing any current issues that have been reported.

It’s a great way to give something back to Mautic, even if you only have an hour.

Mautic users

Pretty much all bug fixes, features and improvements can be tested fully in the browser thanks to our integration with Gitpod, making it very quick and easy to test.

Every single bug fix and feature in Mautic will have been tested by at least two people just like you - users of Mautic, who give a bit of their time back to help Mautic.


If you are a developer, we have some bugs that we would like to look into, and we also have some tasks to get started with updating our views to use Twig - we have the foundational work done and the whole process documented, but we need the people to help us get it done!

How to get involved

If you have some time available on Friday, please join us in Slack in #t-product and drop us a line in this thread. We will help you to get started and walk through your first tests until you are confident.

See you there, let’s make Mautic even more awesome! :rocket:

I’ll be there with coffee!

Here’s the list of things we will be focusing on today:

Do join us! :rocket: