Configuring Memcache or Redis in local.php?

Hi @m.abumusa - thanks for all the information.

I will start with memcached. Before reaching out I had done a bit of research and found a similar post on Redis: Mautic Cache Redis config - #2 by mzagmajster
which references a fix for the Redis adapter :Add RedisAdapter from Symfony 4 for CacheBundle by kuzmany · Pull Request #10889 · mautic/mautic · GitHub

However after implementing a number of variations of the code placed above in my local.php file, I constantly get a broken Mautic.

I add the following code:

        'parameters' => (
                'cache_adapter'           => 'mautic.cache.adapter.filesystem',
    'cache_prefix'            => '',
    'cache_lifetime'          => 86400,
    'cache_adapter_memcached' => (
        'servers' => ('memcached://localhost'),
        'options' => (
            'compression'          => true,
            'libketama_compatible' => true,
            'serializer'           => 'igbinary',

which results in the following error:

2023/03/07 07:12:10 [error] 3856#3856: *8874 FastCGI sent in stderr: "PHP message: PHP Notice - Undefined variable: inline - in file /var/www/mautic/offline.php - at line 77PHP message: PHP Notice:  Undefined variable: inline in /var/www/mautic/offline.php on line 77PHP message: ParseError: syntax error, unexpected '=>' (T_DOUBLE_ARROW) - in file /var/www/ams/app/config/local.php - at line 769" while reading response header from upstream, client:, server:, request: "GET /s/dashboard HTTP/1.1", upstream: "fastcgi://unix:/run/php/php7.4-fpm.sock:", host: "", referrer: ""

I have played around a lot with positioning the code and changing parenthesis with the square brackets however am unable to get it to not break Mautic.

I have checked and bot memcached and the php extension are installed and I am also able to telnet into memcached port and run stats items there to see if there is any data - unfortunately not, but the service is running.

Have you managed to get this work