CORS policy problem

Your software
My Mautic version is: 2.16.2
My PHP version is: 7.3.11

Your problem
My problem is:
Hi, I installed the tracking code of the Mautik in the online store and saw a problem. Everything works well on the main page, and on other pages as well, except for the product page. I see an error in the console

You can check it here

Also this page have another problem “Uncaught TypeError: Cannot read property ‘type’ of undefined”

My CORS Settings

These errors are showing in the log:

How I can fix it? Pls help

Hi Dan,
I’d say you need to allow (as well as in your CORS.

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Thanks, this solved my problem with CORS, but there was one problem in the product page. I don’t know how to fix it

Снимок экрана 2020-05-12 в 14.03.01

Looks like to me… Maybe you want try this out and give feedback in the PR :slight_smile: