Cronjob DigitalOcean


Any sample to config CronJob in DigitalOcean VPS command line SSH?


You can use crontab like other friend said. If you are not a developer or don’t feel confortable working with crontab so I’d recommend you to use Cronfig, a plugin that you install on Mautic. It works nice on DigitalOcean

Additionally, if you’re on Ubuntu, LAMP, it’s just “php …”. You don’t need “path/to/php”

Try again… community

          • /usr/bin/php /srv/users/yourserver/
          • /usr/php-binary/php /srv/users/yourserver/

Warning: Only to developers in Digital Ocean




I put second option but no run


Any sample to config CronJob in DigitalOcean VPS command line SSH?