Hey guys. I have this issue when sending a form from my website to mautic.
I basically adapted the HTML markup from the “manual copy” after creating the form.
Problem is:
- when I hit the submit button, Mautic gets the same data two times.
- The developer tools console from Chrome shows me this message:
“Failed to load https://mautic.outpay.io/form/submit?formId=4: No ‘Access-Control-Allow-Origin’ header is present on the requested resource. Origin ‘https://outpay.io’ is therefore not allowed access.”
I already disabled the CORS on settings but it doesn’t worked. ![=( =(]()
Can someone help?
Thank you.
On the I pasted the code:
And, on the I pasted and adapted this code:
Receba nosso informativo e ofertas exclusivas por email!
<div id="mauticform_sitehomeinformativo_nome" data-validate="nome" data-validation-type="text" class="mauticform-row mauticform-text mauticform-field-1 mauticform-required">
<input id="mauticform_input_sitehomeinformativo_nome" name="mauticform[nome]" value="" placeholder="Seu Nome" class="mauticform-input Nome" type="text" />
<label for="" class="Nome"><span class="fo-p fo-perfil"></span></label>
<span class="mauticform-errormsg" style="display: none;">Nome obrigatório</span>
<div id="mauticform_sitehomeinformativo_email" data-validate="email" data-validation-type="email" class="mauticform-row mauticform-email mauticform-field-2 mauticform-required">
<input id="mauticform_input_sitehomeinformativo_email" name="mauticform[email]" placeholder="seu@email.com.br" class="mauticform-input Email" type="email" />
<label for="" class="Email"><span class="fo-p fo-email"></span></label>
<span class="mauticform-errormsg" style="display: none;">Por favor, digite um endereço de email válido</span>
<div id="mauticform_sitehomeinformativo_submit" class="mauticform-row mauticform-button-wrapper mauticform-field-3">
<button type="submit" name="mauticform[submit]" id="mauticform_input_sitehomeinformativo_submit" name="mauticform[submit]" class="mauticform-button btn btn-default Btn" value="1">Comece Já</button>
<input type="hidden" name="mauticform[formId]" id="mauticform_sitehomeinformativo_id" value="4"/>
<input type="hidden" name="mauticform[return]" id="mauticform_sitehomeinformativo_return" value=""/>
<input type="hidden" name="mauticform[formName]" id="mauticform_sitehomeinformativo_name" value="sitehomeinformativo"/>
On Jquey AJAX:
//Formulário de contato assíncrono
let form = $('#mauticform_sitehomeinformativo');
//evite a atualização da página
//serialização das informações do formulário
let formData = $(form).serialize();
type: 'POST',
url: $(form).attr('action'),
data: formData
Alert('Você está em nossa lista!', 'sucesso');
Alert('Oops, houve um problema.', 'erro');
Hey guys. I have this issue when sending a form from my website to mautic.
I basically adapted the HTML markup from the “manual copy” after creating the form.
Problem is:
- when I hit the submit button, Mautic gets the same data two times.
- The developer tools console from Chrome shows me this message:
“Failed to load https://mautic.outpay.io/form/submit?formId=4: No ‘Access-Control-Allow-Origin’ header is present on the requested resource. Origin ‘https://outpay.io’ is therefore not allowed access.”
I already disabled the CORS on settings but it doesn’t worked. =(
Can someone help?
Thank you.
On the I pasted the code:
<script type="text/javascript">
/** This section is only needed once per page if manually copying **/
if (typeof MauticSDKLoaded == 'undefined') {
var MauticSDKLoaded = true;
var head = document.getElementsByTagName('head')[0];
var script = document.createElement('script');
script.type = 'text/javascript';
script.src = 'https://mautic.outpay.io/index.php/media/js/mautic-form.js';
script.onload = function() {
var MauticDomain = 'https://mautic.outpay.io/index.php';
var MauticLang = {
'submittingMessage': "Please wait..."
And, on the I pasted and adapted this code:
<div id="mauticform_wrapper_sitehomeinformativo" class="mauticform_wrapper Informativo">
<form autocomplete="false" role="form" method="post" action="https://mautic.outpay.io/form/submit?formId=4" id="mauticform_sitehomeinformativo" data-mautic-form="sitehomeinformativo" enctype="multipart/form-data">
<h1 class="--sublinhado --vermelho">Receba nosso informativo e ofertas exclusivas por email!</h1>
<div class="mauticform-innerform">
<div class="mauticform-page-wrapper mauticform-page-1" data-mautic-form-page="1">
<div id="mauticform_sitehomeinformativo_nome" data-validate="nome" data-validation-type="text" class="mauticform-row mauticform-text mauticform-field-1 mauticform-required">
<input id="mauticform_input_sitehomeinformativo_nome" name="mauticform[nome]" value="" placeholder="Seu Nome" class="mauticform-input Nome" type="text" />
<label for="" class="Nome"><span class="fo-p fo-perfil"></span></label>
<span class="mauticform-errormsg" style="display: none;">Nome obrigatório</span>
<div id="mauticform_sitehomeinformativo_email" data-validate="email" data-validation-type="email" class="mauticform-row mauticform-email mauticform-field-2 mauticform-required">
<input id="mauticform_input_sitehomeinformativo_email" name="mauticform[email]" placeholder="seu@email.com.br" class="mauticform-input Email" type="email" />
<label for="" class="Email"><span class="fo-p fo-email"></span></label>
<span class="mauticform-errormsg" style="display: none;">Por favor, digite um endereço de email válido</span>
<div id="mauticform_sitehomeinformativo_submit" class="mauticform-row mauticform-button-wrapper mauticform-field-3">
<button type="submit" name="mauticform[submit]" id="mauticform_input_sitehomeinformativo_submit" name="mauticform[submit]" class="mauticform-button btn btn-default Btn" value="1">Comece Já</button>
<input type="hidden" name="mauticform[formId]" id="mauticform_sitehomeinformativo_id" value="4"/>
<input type="hidden" name="mauticform[return]" id="mauticform_sitehomeinformativo_return" value=""/>
<input type="hidden" name="mauticform[formName]" id="mauticform_sitehomeinformativo_name" value="sitehomeinformativo"/>
On Jquey AJAX:
//Formulário de contato assíncrono
let form = $('#mauticform_sitehomeinformativo');
//evite a atualização da página
//serialização das informações do formulário
let formData = $(form).serialize();
type: 'POST',
url: $(form).attr('action'),
data: formData
Alert('Você está em nossa lista!', 'sucesso');
Alert('Oops, houve um problema.', 'erro');
@victormorettir you integrated both code on website , or you intergrate one code twice ? can you share the link
@bizcrony I used both code on the same page: the script in the , the html form in the and the ajax script on the bottom of the . All on the same page. Here’s the link: https://outpay.io (it’s on the index page). Thanks!
@victormorettir you should use only one code either HTML or Java,
The problem remains… do you have any clue on the
“Failed to load https://mautic.outpay.io/form/submit?formId=4: No ‘Access-Control-Allow-Origin’ header is present on the requested resource. Origin ‘https://outpay.io’ is therefore not allowed access.”
error @bizcrony ?
@victormorettir give me form link, where form execute.
@bizcrony this form executes on the main home page. There is only one form on this page, which is on the very bottom of it.
@victormorettir form is working , but does not says anything … why don’t you check my profile for better understanding.
Hi everyone, a quick update here.
I solved the issue. The problem was my JQuery ajax function competing with the native mautic script to send forms assynchronously.
I had inserted: the mautic script tag + the html markup for the form + a Jquery script to send the form. Because of that, I was getting doubled records on my mautic dashboard everytime someone clicked the submit button.
I solved this by deleting my JQuery ajax POST function and leting the Mautic script do it’s work lol.
The reason why I inserted the Jquery script is because I wanted to make an animated response when the form had been submited with a success response from the server. The native Mautic response inside the apropriate divs for this task is non-animatable (they use either a javascript “element.text” or an “element.innerHTML” property, which just inserts information inside that div).
The CORS problem is actually something from JQuery, they explain very clearly on their documentation, as follows:
“Due to browser security restrictions, most “Ajax” requests are subject to the same origin policy; the request can not successfully retrieve data from a different domain, subdomain, port, or protocol.”