Your software
My Mautic version is:5.0.2
My PHP version is:o2gvvPy7CRMFfm+T0nMLCUykv+RYUzmfN98g1MWB
My Database type and version is: MySQL 5.7.44-48-log
Your problem
My problem is: In configuration, email settings do not have dropdown options in 5.0.2. Trying to set up Amazon SES but there is not a “Service to send through” option.
I followed a couple of online tutorials for installing on a shared server via FTP/File Manager. I guess the instructions were for v4? I’ll take a close look at your suggestions. Thank you for the reply JoeyK.
What are we supposed to do with the “file_uploads = On” ? was it there erroneously, or is there a missing step that should be documented on the tutorial?