Email settings do not have dropdown options in 5.0.2

Your software
My Mautic version is:5.0.2
My PHP version is:o2gvvPy7CRMFfm+T0nMLCUykv+RYUzmfN98g1MWB
My Database type and version is: MySQL 5.7.44-48-log

Your problem
My problem is: In configuration, email settings do not have dropdown options in 5.0.2. Trying to set up Amazon SES but there is not a “Service to send through” option.

These errors are showing in the log: No errors

Steps I have tried to fix the problem:

Hi plz read the official docs:

or read my tutorial:

I followed a couple of online tutorials for installing on a shared server via FTP/File Manager. I guess the instructions were for v4? I’ll take a close look at your suggestions. Thank you for the reply JoeyK.

In your tutorial the last “sed” bit has:

sed -i 's/post_max_size = 8M/post_max_size = 64M/' /etc/php/8.1/apache2/php.inifile_uploads = On

the file_uploads part of the paste throws an error, obviously. Just wanted to let you know!

Thank yooooouuu!!!

of course, thanks for the great tutorial!

What are we supposed to do with the “file_uploads = On” ? was it there erroneously, or is there a missing step that should be documented on the tutorial?