Email UI suggestions/feedback

My idea is:
I think this column should show a bit more data, for example open rate, clicks and ctr.

On this page I think it would be useful to see unsubscribe/click numbers without having to hover over them. Especially for unsubscribe it’s hard to find the right spot. Might depend on the screen size, but I think you get the problem. We have up to 150.000 users for some mailings and the unsub bar might just be one pixel when that happens.

I think these groups of people would benefit from this idea:
New users who are used to other more expensive software. Last year I used MailerLite a lot and I can really recommend taking a look at their overview UI.

Why I think they would benefit from this idea:
Makes it easier to see which emails are successful.

Are you willing to work on this idea?:
I can only give feedback/test the new UI.

What skills and resources do you need to explore this further?
Probably the skills of @andersoneccel. Your improvements are great.

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Hi there!

In 5.0 we did introduce some more stats into the report:

and also on the contact profile:

so I think it should not be too difficult to add this in the email stats.

Here’s a few PRs you can help with testing in the meantime if you want to see more reporting/stats:

There’s instructions for testing at :slight_smile:

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