Email > Wordpress


I am not entirely sure how to do this, and I need clarification.

1- I want to send an email to my leads, containing a personalized link to a Wordpress page in which I added a mautic form.

2- I want this mautic form to be prepopulated with the fields values I already have.

Maybe the answer is obvious … can someone help please ? :)

I am not entirely sure how to do this, and I need clarification.
1- I want to send an email to my leads, containing a personalized link to a Wordpress page in which I added a mautic form.
2- I want this mautic form to be prepopulated with the fields values I already have.

Maybe the answer is obvious … can someone help please ? :slight_smile:

Maybe some older forum posts like this one:

could help.

Ok, thank you very much :slight_smile: This solves point 1.
Regarding point 2, for whatever reason :

I cannot verify if the tracking pixel is working correctly without the link to your WP website.

Regarding the tracking issues, take a look at

And where do you check that the link parameters are not showing up? Because in the email the link should be replaced with the trackable link so the parameters won’t be visible but if the lead would click it, it would redirect to the right URL with the parameters.

The link I have generated in the email is

If you click on it, you can see it is not passing parameters.
Could it be because I didn’t build it properly in the first place ?

If I click on it, I get redirected to:

So there are the correct parameters in it. So it works!

Another question is the predefined form field values. You send there firstname, lastname and email. None of those fields are in your form. You have there an email field, but it isn’t the default email field. It has name my_preferred_email_is.

The problem is, when I try to access the URL to predefine the my_preferred_email_is value:

It still doesn’t predefine it.

Oh, I might know why. You use the static HTML to embed your form. You’ll have to use the javascript embed. HTML doesn’t have the power to predefine form field values from URL.

I use the shortcode [mauticform id=“1”] to insert the form …
Do I need to use smth else then ?
Also, do I have to change the label “my_preferred_email_is” to email and not display it then ?

You are right. I double checked. The WP plugin uses JS embed. In that case it might be a bug.

How do I ensure it is a bug, and file it eventually ? I believe I followed this doc step by step …
and I am not sure what is wrong.

I just checked with Alan. It works only in Mautic Landing Pages. Not in the 3rd party web pages. Feel free to create a feature request at if it isn’t there already.