July 21, 2022, 6:04pm
Your software
My PHP version is : 8.0.21
My MariaDB version is : 15.1 Distrib 10.6.8-MariaDB, for debian-linux-gnu (x86_64)
Updating/Installing Errors
I am : Switching to Composer
Installing via : Command Line
These errors are showing in the installer :
root@mautic:/var/www# su -c ‘composer create-project mautic/recommended-project:^4 html-new --no-interaction’ mautic
Creating a “mautic/recommended-project:^4” project at “./html-new”
Info from https://repo.packagist.org : #StandWithUkraine
Installing mautic/recommended-project (4.4.0)
Downloading mautic/recommended-project (4.4.0)
Installing mautic/recommended-project (4.4.0): Extracting archive
Created project in /var/www/html-new
Loading composer repositories with package information Updating dependencies
Your requirements could not be resolved to an installable set of packages.
Problem 1
- friendsofsymfony/oauth-server-bundle dev-doctrine-fix requires php ^5.5|^7.0 → your php version (8.0.21) does not satisfy that requirement.
- mautic/core-lib 4.4.0 requires friendsofsymfony/oauth-server-bundle dev-doctrine-fix → satisfiable by friendsofsymfony/oauth-server-bundle[dev-doctrine-fix].
- Root composer.json requires mautic/core-lib 4.4.0 → satisfiable by mautic/core-lib[4.4.0].
Your problem
My problem is :
I am following the guide noted here How to switch to Composer | Mautic and I am stuck at first step. If I am reading correctly is php 8 not supported with composer? This is kind of strange as mautic 4.4.0 supports php 8.
August 7, 2022, 6:11pm
I have waited for new version and now when I try to install this error is gone but I am getting a new error:
/var/www# su -c 'composer create-project mautic/recommended-project:^4 html-new --no-interaction' mautic
Creating a "mautic/recommended-project:^4" project at "./html-new"
Info from https://repo.packagist.org: #StandWithUkraine
Installing mautic/recommended-project (4.4.1)
- Installing mautic/recommended-project (4.4.1): Extracting archive
Created project in /var/www/html-new
Loading composer repositories with package information Updating dependencies
Lock file operations: 231 installs, 0 updates, 0 removals
- Locking aws/aws-crt-php (v1.0.2)
- Locking aws/aws-sdk-php (3.232.2)
- Locking bandwidth-throttle/token-bucket (2.0.0)
- Locking barryvdh/elfinder-flysystem-driver (v0.2.1)
- Locking beberlei/doctrineextensions (v1.3.0)
- Locking clue/stream-filter (v1.6.0)
- Locking composer/ca-bundle (1.3.3)
- Locking composer/composer (2.2.17)
- Locking composer/installers (v1.12.0)
- Locking composer/metadata-minifier (1.0.0)
- Locking composer/package-versions-deprecated (
- Locking composer/pcre (1.0.1)
- Locking composer/semver (3.3.2)
- Locking composer/spdx-licenses (1.5.7)
- Locking composer/xdebug-handler (3.0.3)
- Locking doctrine/annotations (1.13.3)
- Locking doctrine/cache (2.2.0)
- Locking doctrine/collections (1.6.8)
- Locking doctrine/common (3.3.0)
- Locking doctrine/data-fixtures (1.4.4)
- Locking doctrine/dbal (2.13.9)
- Locking doctrine/deprecations (v1.0.0)
- Locking doctrine/doctrine-bundle (2.5.7)
- Locking doctrine/doctrine-fixtures-bundle (3.4.2)
- Locking doctrine/doctrine-migrations-bundle (2.2.3)
- Locking doctrine/event-manager (1.1.2)
- Locking doctrine/inflector (2.0.4)
- Locking doctrine/instantiator (1.4.1)
- Locking doctrine/lexer (1.2.3)
- Locking doctrine/migrations (2.3.5)
- Locking doctrine/orm (2.13.0)
- Locking doctrine/persistence (2.5.4)
- Locking doctrine/sql-formatter (1.1.3)
- Locking egulias/email-validator (3.2.1)
- Locking ezyang/htmlpurifier (v4.14.0)
- Locking friendsofphp/proxy-manager-lts (v1.0.12)
- Locking friendsofsymfony/oauth-server-bundle (dev-master dc8ff34)
- Locking friendsofsymfony/oauth2-php (1.3.1)
- Locking friendsofsymfony/rest-bundle (3.3.0)
- Locking gaufrette/aws-s3-adapter (v0.4.0)
- Locking gaufrette/extras (v0.1.0)
- Locking geoip2/geoip2 (v2.13.0)
- Locking giggsey/libphonenumber-for-php (8.12.52)
- Locking giggsey/locale (2.2)
- Locking guzzlehttp/guzzle (7.4.5)
- Locking guzzlehttp/oauth-subscriber (0.6.0)
- Locking guzzlehttp/promises (1.5.1)
- Locking guzzlehttp/psr7 (2.4.0)
- Locking helios-ag/fm-elfinder-bundle (10.1)
- Locking intervention/image (2.7.2)
- Locking ip2location/ip2location-php (7.2.5)
- Locking jbroadway/urlify (1.2.4-stable)
- Locking jms/metadata (2.6.1)
- Locking jms/serializer (3.18.0)
- Locking jms/serializer-bundle (4.0.2)
- Locking joomla/filter (1.4.4)
- Locking joomla/string (1.4.6)
- Locking justinrainbow/json-schema (5.2.12)
- Locking kamermans/guzzle-oauth2-subscriber (v1.0.11)
- Locking knplabs/gaufrette (v0.9.0)
- Locking knplabs/knp-menu (v3.3.0)
- Locking knplabs/knp-menu-bundle (v3.2.0)
- Locking laminas/laminas-code (4.6.0)
- Locking league/flysystem (1.1.9)
- Locking league/flysystem-cached-adapter (1.0.2)
- Locking league/mime-type-detection (1.11.0)
- Locking leezy/pheanstalk-bundle (4.0.1)
- Locking lightsaml/lightsaml (1.4.1)
- Locking lightsaml/sp-bundle (1.2.1)
- Locking lightsaml/symfony-bridge (1.3.0)
- Locking maennchen/zipstream-php (2.2.1)
- Locking malkusch/lock (1.0.0)
- Locking markbaker/complex (3.0.1)
- Locking markbaker/matrix (3.0.0)
- Locking matomo/device-detector (4.3.1)
- Locking mautic/core-composer-scaffold (4.x-dev e193df9)
- Locking mautic/core-lib (4.4.1)
- Locking mautic/core-project-message (4.x-dev ff2070a)
- Locking mautic/grapes-js-builder-bundle (4.4.1)
- Locking mautic/plugin-citrix (4.4.1)
- Locking mautic/plugin-clearbit (4.4.1)
- Locking mautic/plugin-cloudstorage (4.4.1)
- Locking mautic/plugin-crm (4.4.1)
- Locking mautic/plugin-emailmarketing (4.4.1)
- Locking mautic/plugin-focus (4.4.1)
- Locking mautic/plugin-fullcontact (4.4.1)
- Locking mautic/plugin-gmail (4.4.1)
- Locking mautic/plugin-outlook (4.4.1)
- Locking mautic/plugin-social (4.4.1)
- Locking mautic/plugin-tagmanager (4.4.1)
- Locking mautic/plugin-zapier (4.4.1)
- Locking mautic/theme-aurora (4.4.1)
- Locking mautic/theme-blank (4.4.1)
- Locking mautic/theme-brienz (4.4.1)
- Locking mautic/theme-cards (4.4.1)
- Locking mautic/theme-coffee (4.4.1)
- Locking mautic/theme-confirmme (4.4.1)
- Locking mautic/theme-fresh-center (4.4.1)
- Locking mautic/theme-fresh-fixed (4.4.1)
- Locking mautic/theme-fresh-left (4.4.1)
- Locking mautic/theme-fresh-wide (4.4.1)
- Locking mautic/theme-goldstar (4.4.1)
- Locking mautic/theme-mauve (4.4.1)
- Locking mautic/theme-nature (4.4.1)
- Locking mautic/theme-neopolitan (4.4.1)
- Locking mautic/theme-oxygen (4.4.1)
- Locking mautic/theme-paprika (4.4.1)
- Locking mautic/theme-skyline (4.4.1)
- Locking mautic/theme-sparse (4.4.1)
- Locking mautic/theme-sunday (4.4.1)
- Locking mautic/theme-trulypersonal (4.4.1)
- Locking mautic/theme-vibrant (4.4.1)
- Locking maxmind-db/reader (v1.11.0)
- Locking maxmind/web-service-common (v0.9.0)
- Locking misd/phone-number-bundle (v1.3.2)
- Locking monolog/monolog (1.27.1)
- Locking mrclay/minify (2.2.0)
- Locking mtdowling/jmespath.php (2.6.1)
- Locking mustangostang/spyc (0.6.3)
- Locking myclabs/php-enum (1.8.4)
- Locking nikic/php-parser (v4.14.0)
- Locking noxlogic/ratelimit-bundle (v1.18.0)
- Locking oneup/uploader-bundle (3.2.1)
- Locking paragonie/constant_time_encoding (v2.6.3)
- Locking paragonie/random_compat (v9.99.100)
- Locking pda/pheanstalk (v4.0.4)
- Locking php-amqplib/php-amqplib (v3.2.0)
- Locking php-amqplib/rabbitmq-bundle (2.11.0)
- Locking php-http/discovery (1.14.3)
- Locking php-http/guzzle7-adapter (1.0.0)
- Locking php-http/httplug (2.3.0)
- Locking php-http/message (1.13.0)
- Locking php-http/message-factory (v1.0.2)
- Locking php-http/promise (1.1.0)
- Locking phpoffice/phpspreadsheet (1.24.1)
- Locking phpseclib/phpseclib (3.0.14)
- Locking phpstan/phpdoc-parser (1.6.4)
- Locking predis/predis (v1.1.10)
- Locking psr/cache (2.0.0)
- Locking psr/container (1.1.2)
- Locking psr/http-client (1.0.1)
- Locking psr/http-factory (1.0.1)
- Locking psr/http-message (1.0.1)
- Locking psr/log (1.1.4)
- Locking psr/simple-cache (2.0.0)
- Locking psy/psysh (v0.10.12)
- Locking ralouphie/getallheaders (3.0.3)
- Locking ramsey/uuid (3.9.6)
- Locking react/promise (v2.9.0)
- Locking robrichards/xmlseclibs (3.1.1)
- Locking seld/jsonlint (1.9.0)
- Locking seld/phar-utils (1.2.0)
- Locking sendgrid/php-http-client (3.14.4)
- Locking sendgrid/sendgrid (6.2.0)
- Locking sensio/framework-extra-bundle (v6.2.6)
- Locking simshaun/recurr (v3.1.1)
- Locking sparkpost/sparkpost (2.3.0)
- Locking stack/builder (v1.0.6)
- Locking stack/run (v1.1.0)
- Locking studio-42/elfinder (2.1.61)
- Locking swiftmailer/swiftmailer (v6.3.0)
- Locking symfony/asset (v4.4.40)
- Locking symfony/cache (v4.4.44)
- Locking symfony/cache-contracts (v2.5.2)
- Locking symfony/config (v4.4.44)
- Locking symfony/console (v4.4.44)
- Locking symfony/css-selector (v4.4.44)
- Locking symfony/debug (v4.4.44)
- Locking symfony/dependency-injection (v4.4.44)
- Locking symfony/deprecation-contracts (v3.0.2)
- Locking symfony/doctrine-bridge (v4.4.44)
- Locking symfony/dotenv (v4.4.37)
- Locking symfony/error-handler (v4.4.44)
- Locking symfony/event-dispatcher (v4.4.44)
- Locking symfony/event-dispatcher-contracts (v1.1.13)
- Locking symfony/expression-language (v4.4.44)
- Locking symfony/filesystem (v4.4.42)
- Locking symfony/finder (v4.4.44)
- Locking symfony/flex (v1.19.3)
- Locking symfony/form (v4.4.44)
- Locking symfony/framework-bundle (v4.4.44)
- Locking symfony/http-client (v4.4.44)
- Locking symfony/http-client-contracts (v2.5.2)
- Locking symfony/http-foundation (v4.4.44)
- Locking symfony/http-kernel (v4.4.44)
- Locking symfony/inflector (v5.4.11)
- Locking symfony/intl (v4.4.44)
- Locking symfony/lock (v5.4.10)
- Locking symfony/mime (v5.4.11)
- Locking symfony/monolog-bridge (v4.4.43)
- Locking symfony/monolog-bundle (v3.5.0)
- Locking symfony/options-resolver (v4.4.44)
- Locking symfony/polyfill-ctype (v1.26.0)
- Locking symfony/polyfill-iconv (v1.26.0)
- Locking symfony/polyfill-intl-grapheme (v1.26.0)
- Locking symfony/polyfill-intl-icu (v1.26.0)
- Locking symfony/polyfill-intl-idn (v1.26.0)
- Locking symfony/polyfill-intl-normalizer (v1.26.0)
- Locking symfony/polyfill-mbstring (v1.26.0)
- Locking symfony/polyfill-php72 (v1.26.0)
- Locking symfony/polyfill-php73 (v1.26.0)
- Locking symfony/polyfill-php74 (v1.26.0)
- Locking symfony/polyfill-php80 (v1.26.0)
- Locking symfony/polyfill-php81 (v1.26.0)
- Locking symfony/process (v4.4.44)
- Locking symfony/property-access (v4.4.44)
- Locking symfony/routing (v4.4.44)
- Locking symfony/security (v4.4.44)
- Locking symfony/security-acl (v3.0.4)
- Locking symfony/security-bundle (v4.4.44)
- Locking symfony/service-contracts (v2.5.2)
- Locking symfony/stopwatch (v4.4.38)
- Locking symfony/string (v6.0.11)
- Locking symfony/swiftmailer-bundle (v3.5.4)
- Locking symfony/templating (v4.4.44)
- Locking symfony/translation (v4.4.44)
- Locking symfony/translation-contracts (v2.5.2)
- Locking symfony/twig-bridge (v4.4.44)
- Locking symfony/twig-bundle (v4.4.41)
- Locking symfony/validator (v4.4.44)
- Locking symfony/var-dumper (v5.4.11)
- Locking symfony/var-exporter (v5.4.10)
- Locking symfony/yaml (v4.4.44)
- Locking theofidry/psysh-bundle (4.4.0)
- Locking tightenco/collect (v8.83.15)
- Locking twig/twig (v3.4.1)
- Locking twilio/sdk (5.42.2)
- Locking voku/portable-ascii (2.0.1)
- Locking voku/stop-words (2.0.1)
- Locking willdurand/jsonp-callback-validator (v2.0.0)
- Locking willdurand/negotiation (3.1.0)
Writing lock file
Installing dependencies from lock file (including require-dev)
Package operations: 231 installs, 0 updates, 0 removals
- Syncing friendsofsymfony/oauth-server-bundle (dev-master dc8ff34) into cache
Hint: To allow running the config command recommended below before dependencies are installed, run create-project with --no-install.
You can then cd into /var/www/html-new, configure allow-plugins, and finally run a composer install to complete the process.
In PluginManager.php line 769:
composer/installers contains a Composer plugin which is blocked by your allow-plugins config. You may add it to the list if you consider it safe.
You can run "composer config --no-plugins allow-plugins.composer/installers [true|false]" to enable it (true) or disable it explicitly and suppress this exception (false)
See https://getcomposer.org/allow-plugins
create-project [-s|--stability STABILITY] [--prefer-source] [--prefer-dist] [--prefer-install PREFER-INSTALL] [--repository REPOSITORY] [--repository-url REPOSITORY-URL] [--add-repository] [--dev] [--no-dev] [--no-custom-installers] [--no-scripts] [--no-progress] [--no-secure-http] [--keep-vcs] [--remove-vcs] [--no-install] [--ignore-platform-req IGNORE-PLATFORM-REQ] [--ignore-platform-reqs] [--ask] [--] [<package> [<directory> [<version>]]]
I have looked here Installing with Composer | Mautic and How to switch to Composer | Mautic there is no info what do do. Searched the forums nothing come up.
Looks like you need to allow plugins Config - Composer I guess or?
I moved a bit more but now I am getting this error in nginx:
2022/08/07 21:06:35 [error] 651#651: 1 FastCGI sent in stderr: "PHP message: Symfony\Component\Finder\Exception\DirectoryNotFoundException: The "/var/www/mautic/app/bundles/CoreBundle/Loader/…/…/…/…/plugins/ /Config" directory does not exist. - in file /var/www/mautic/vendor/symfony/finder/Finder.php - at line 603" while reading response header from upstream,
2022/08/07 21:06:35 [error] 651#651: 1 FastCGI sent in stderr: "PHP message: Symfony\Component\Finder\Exception\DirectoryNotFoundException: The "/var/www/mautic/app/bundles/CoreBundle/Loader/…/…/…/…/plugins/ /Config" directory does not exist. - in file /var/www/mautic/vendor/symfony/finder/Finder.php - at line 603" while reading response header from upstream,
2022/08/07 21:06:35 [error] 651#651: 1 FastCGI sent in stderr: "PHP message: Symfony\Component\Finder\Exception\DirectoryNotFoundException: The "/var/www/mautic/app/bundles/CoreBundle/Loader/…/…/…/…/plugins/ /Config" directory does not exist. - in file /var/www/mautic/vendor/symfony/finder/Finder.php - at line 603" while reading response header from upstream,
What kind of folder I am missing