Fullcontact Pluign don´t Callback

Hi guys

I have installed ths Clearbit and the Fullcontact plugin.

The clear bit, are working fine, but the Fullcontact theres any problem…

When I try send the leads for fullcontact this work well, on the fullcontact dashborad I can see the total os contacts, and it mach the contects, but this information dont come back to Mautic. And the leads contac don´t recive the updates.

Theres any bug on the callback from Fullcontact? Or I need to be this manually?

Thanks for all awshers.

Hi guys

I have installed ths Clearbit and the Fullcontact plugin.

The clear bit, are working fine, but the Fullcontact theres any problem…

When I try send the leads for fullcontact this work well, on the fullcontact dashborad I can see the total os contacts, and it mach the contects, but this information dont come back to Mautic. And the leads contac don´t recive the updates.

Theres any bug on the callback from Fullcontact? Or I need to be this manually?

Thanks for all awshers.

Same problem here. FullContact give 200 code (correct, data found), But no data becomes available in Mautic.

Did anybody test this before putting live? Must have so why does it not work?


I have the same problem with fullContact and Clearbit. Neither return any data??? Anybody have this working?


Clearbet returns…
When you set the API at clearbit site you need to add the callback url that Mautic gives you.
Full Contact still not working for me

@Luisfm Yes I use that. As a matter of fact when I place the callback URI in the browser it returns “ERROR”

@Rich I am having a similar problem - i have managed to get clearbit to return some data to the contact form but if i got to that contact and click save i get an error 500. are you having the same problem? i to get an ERROR if i go to the callback url.

Did you have any luck solving the problem?

@rogerwilks I am still unable to get any daya sent back from clearbit to populate. I do not get error messages…I get NOTHING. hard to fix these…

If anyone is still struggling to get full contact to work, I managed to get it to work by altering plugins/MauticFullContactBundle/Controller/PublicController.php

and changing line 49 from:
$result = $this->request->request->get(‘result’, []);

$result = json_decode($this->request->request->get(‘result’, []), TRUE);

Seems the result was a string rather than an array, once i converted it, it all seems fine. Looking forward to extending this to make use of some of FullContacts other details…

Woot! Thanks for the fix, working for me.

Does anyone know if the plugin only pulls data from Fullcontact when you manually select a contact and request it to do so?

My main use case was to have it sync so that contacts created in FullContact would automatically be generated in Mautic, and vice versa.

@leonardoborlot mentioned sending leads to full contact in his opening question. I can’t seem to figure out how to do that.

@leonardoborlot mentioned sending leads to full contact in his opening question. I can’t seem to figure out how to do that.[/quote]

Hi Mr.
The way if I use to send the contacts to Fullcontac is selecting manually and press, like this

@leonardoborlot Strange. I tried that and get a notification that contact was updated in Mautic, but no changes are made to FullContact.

It’s able to pull down updates for found contacts, but a new one is not created in FullContact when I first add to Mautic and click the lookup button as indicated.


Now, when the contac income the mautic, it call the Fullcontact automatically, and the fullcontact callback the data.

Do yout realize that correction ?

[quote=20534:@GingerBeard]If anyone is still struggling to get full contact to work, I managed to get it to work by altering plugins/MauticFullContactBundle/Controller/PublicController.php

and changing line 49 from:
$result = $this->request->request->get(‘result’, []);

$result = json_decode($this->request->request->get(‘result’, []), TRUE);

Seems the result was a string rather than an array, once i converted it, it all seems fine. Looking forward to extending this to make use of some of FullContacts other details…[/quote]