How to adjust the brightness in Mautic 1.4

How to modify this code, so when inserted into the WordPress sends pages to registered users name, surname and email

(function(w,d,t,u,n,a,m){w['MauticTrackingObject']=n; w[n]=w[n]||function(){(w[n].q=w[n].q||[]).push(arguments)},a=d.createElement(t), m=d.getElementsByTagName(t)[0];a.async=1;a.src=u;m.parentNode.insertBefore(a,m) })(window,document,'script','','mt');
mt('send', 'pageview', '??', '??', '??');</div>

How to modify this code, so when inserted into the WordPress sends pages to registered users name, surname and email

[code] (function(w,d,t,u,n,a,m){w[‘MauticTrackingObject’]=n;

mt('send', 'pageview', '??', '??', '??');[/code]

Thanks for example. Unfortunately I’m not a programmer. it would not cite a particular example, if I wanted a WordPress after Mauticu a user to send “emai”, “name” and “lastname”?