How to Export more than 30 lines to Excel

I have a for with 65 responses (don’t laugh at me, we have a small niche market) and when I export to excel, I only get 30 rows of data. Even when I change the number at the bottom of the page to display up to 100 rows, and I see all 65 rows on the web page.



I have a for with 65 responses (don’t laugh at me, we have a small niche market) and when I export to excel, I only get 30 rows of data. Even when I change the number at the bottom of the page to display up to 100 rows, and I see all 65 rows on the web page.



Answering my own post, sort of. I set the default maximum number of rows per page to 100. But the question still stands for when I have more than 100 responses.



I have the same problem, did you find out how to export more than 30 lines?