Your software
My Mautic version is: 5.1.1
My PHP version is: 8.1
My Database type and version is: MySQL
Your problem
My problem is: I am trying to use Amazon SES. When I go to the config email section and put in my ses credentials then it works fine. I can get the test email. When I go to contacts and select a contact and try to email them from there it says it sent fine however nothing is actually sent. My SES shows no usage and I don’t get the email at my specified email. I’ve tried both using the docker version and just installing it to my digital ocean droplet using composer. I’m on Ubuntu server with digital ocean
Steps I have tried to fix the problem:
Checked tables exist
Checked permissions
No email is being queued for some reason
I’ve set everything in the queue config to doctrine://default
Are you using doctrine as queue?
Check in your database if the table message_messages is full. If it has content, it means that mautic “sent” the emails but the worker hasn’t yet actually sent the emails to your email provider.
thanks for the response. When i set it to doctrine in the queue settings it doesnt work. I checked the table right after sending an email and it shows:
mysql> SHOW TABLES LIKE ‘message_messages’;
Empty set (0.00 sec)
when i set it back to sync it works but i prefer to queue the messages. Any idea whats happening?
segments update ok
campaigns trigger <— this supposedly will fill the message_messages table with the emails to be sent
emails send <— can’t remember what this does
You still need a mechanism to run “messenger:consume email” to process the messages at table message_messages, the issue is that you are not filling that table.
Sure that you configured doctrine correctly in queue?
Consume email has to be done differently because it’s a worker that will run each time a cron job is triggered, so you will end crashing the server very soon.
There are several ways to do this, but the main issue is discover why you are not being able to fill the messages table.