Legal & Finance Team definition & call for members

Based on the work carried out in the Mautic Community Summit last week to implement the proposed Governance Structure, please find below the definition for the Legal & Finance Team.

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The first meeting will be organised for w/c 11th November 2019.


“To safeguard and manage the legal and financial aspects of the Mautic community”

General tasks

The Legal & Finance team will have a responsibility for managing the financial and legal aspects of the Mautic project. This will include managing the budgets, trademark and brand, and dealing with any issues relating to licensing, breaches of trademark and so forth.

This team will primarily be comprised of Acquian staff.

Profiles of contributors needed in this team

  • Organisers who can provide administrative support
  • Legal knowledge and experience
  • Trademark knowledge and experience
  • Financial management
  • Budget management

Would you like to be involved in this team?

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:calendar: The first meeting will be w/c 11th November 2019

:white_check_mark: Please provide your availability on this Doodle poll.

:telephone_receiver: The call will be on Jitsi using this persistent URL:

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