Mautic 5.0.3 AWS SNS endpoint is not working. GIve a solution to handle bounce and Complaint emails

Yes I cleared cache.

Hi, have you been able to get it work? I have the same problem

Hi here, thx for the plugin, Iā€™m trying to use your plugin but when I try to test the email i receive the followin error:
Unable to send an email: The request signature we calculated does not match the signature you provided. Check your AWS Secret Access Key and signing method. Consult the service documentation for details. (code InvalidSignatureException).
I double checked my credentials and they are correct, the only thing I have a doubt is the IAM user is created and show at the top righ corner as Global, but my SES service is in us-east-1. I donā€™t know how to create a user only for that region, when I cerate a user in Amazon by default is in Global and I donā€™t have any chance to change that.
Thank you in advance.

Please check first if your permissions are correct connected to the created SES user / account on the region u are saying.

You can check this when u go in SES to the region, then click on SMTP settings and Manage my existing credentials. If correctly you see then a overview of the connected user accounts.

Then check if the user has the correct permissions assigned.

As latest you can check if u see a last used region, or anything else which is saying that the credentials are used / verified by an application ( mautic )

Make of course also sure u set the region from the mautic e-mail settings.

Hope this helps you.

I tried all the methods explained here and even I installed all from scratch once again but at the end I get the same error: HTTP 403 returned for " InvalidSignatureException
I tried with different users,with ASES Full Access, this is the JSON code for the user permission:
This is my configuration on Mautic:

I only being able to send emails when I use smtp transport as showed in he following image:

I really donā€™t know what to do now.
Thank you!

Hi, there is any clue how to configure it on Mautic? There is no explanation on GIT for this plugin, we need install amazon-ses sympfony transport as well?
I mean Email DSN config in Mautic?

Checkout this branch:

I did everything in those images you posted. I cleared the cache. I set the settings in Mautic to exactly what you said.

This is the error I get in Mautic:

Unable to send an email: There are 1 partial failures, check logs for exception reasons.

I checked the logs, and this is the error I got:

[2024-06-03T22:03:02.735946-04:00] mautic.ERROR: Symfony\Component\Messenger\Exception\InvalidArgumentException: You cannot receive messages from the Messenger SyncTransport. (uncaught exception) at /home/jingerja/domains/ line 37 while running console command messenger:consume [stack trace] #0 /home/jingerja/domains/ Symfony\Component\Messenger\Transport\Sync\SyncTransport->get() #1 /home/jingerja/domains/ Symfony\Component\Messenger\Worker->run() #2 /home/jingerja/domains/ Symfony\Component\Messenger\Command\ConsumeMessagesCommand->execute() #3 /home/jingerja/domains/ Symfony\Component\Console\Command\Command->run() #4 /home/jingerja/domains/ Symfony\Component\Console\Application->doRunCommand() #5 /home/jingerja/domains/ Symfony\Bundle\FrameworkBundle\Console\Application->doRunCommand() #6 /home/jingerja/domains/ Symfony\Component\Console\Application->doRun() #7 /home/jingerja/domains/ Symfony\Bundle\FrameworkBundle\Console\Application->doRun() #8 /home/jingerja/domains/ Symfony\Component\Console\Application->run() #9 {main} {ā€œhostnameā€:ā€œā€,ā€œpidā€:1849834}

I went back into the Mautic documentation and redid my corn jobs. Iā€™m not sure what else to do. If I can fix this, I have a fully functioning Mautic, and I can start using it.

Hi there,

Your scheme must be ā€œmautic+ses+apiā€ after that validation of client details must work.

The amazon-ses sympfony is not needed for this plugin.

Hi there,

For this error:

Unable to send an email: There are 1 partial failures, check logs for exception reasons.

Edit dsn in your local.php manually to make it work.

Itā€™s because your generated secret key from AWS has a least one special character (=,, ā€¦). Mautic does some weird thing with encoding those characters in local.php and even if you change back to a secret key with no special character, it will still not work.

Is any good plugin working with Elasticemail to handle bounced and unsubscribe emails?


This plugin is a composer based, not work only put in a folder, you need to execute composer install to add dependencies.

Please check readme file of plugin.


I have this same issue. The only plugin that I have installed is @pveintimillaā€™s mautic-amazon-ses.

My SES is still in sandbox - will this effect the error?


i have added the plugin as per documentation on however the subscrption is still always Pending Confirmation.

Any thoughts ? i am using Mautic v1

Amazon ses works fine sending email. sns have been configured as per but still not working and only Pending Confirmation.

Mautic V1 is not supported.
Plz update to Mautic 2.13, then to Mautic 3, then to Mautic 4. and then to Mautic 5.1.1.
If you really use Mautic 1, Iā€™ll do this for you for free.


Hey @joeyk

Thanks i appreciate your reply. That was a mistake (typo) i am using Mautic latest version 5.1 and i have sorted this issue using a package you advised on another topic.

I appreciate your help :slight_smile:
