Mautic 5 Create Contact API

Mautic 5.1.1
PHP 8.2.24
Database: RDS MySQL Instance

Hello Awesome Mautic Team,

I hope you are all doing well. When using the Mautic API to create a contact, the response time is significantly slow, taking about 20-25 seconds per request. I revisited the documentation and ran the following commands in an attempt to speed things up:

sudo php /var/www/mautic/bin/console doctrine:migration:migrate --no-interaction
sudo php /var/www/mautic/bin/console doctrine:schema:update --no-interaction --force

After executing these, the request time has improved to around 13-18 seconds.

I believe this can be optimized further. Could you please provide any tips or guidance on how to reduce the response time to below 10 seconds or, ideally, even faster?

Thanks in advance!