Mautic api for campaign events

You can use the create campaign API endpoint to create the events.

The payload should contain:

  • The starting segment or form definition (lists or forms in the JSON)
  • Events temporary IDs starting with the keyword ‘new’, they will be replaced with real IDs when the campaign is created
  • Correct references to parent events
  • Nodes and connections settings in canvasSettings

Here is an example payload POST /api/campaigns/new:

    "isPublished": true,
    "name": "API Campaign",
    "description": null,
    "allowRestart": 0,
    "events": [
            "id": "new1",
            "name": "Contact field value",
            "type": "lead.field_value",
            "eventType": "condition",
            "order": 1,
            "properties": {
                "canvasSettings": {
                    "droppedX": "520",
                    "droppedY": "155"
                "name": "",
                "triggerMode": "immediate",
                "triggerDate": null,
                "triggerInterval": "1",
                "triggerIntervalUnit": "d",
                "triggerHour": "",
                "triggerRestrictedStartHour": "",
                "triggerRestrictedStopHour": "",
                "anchor": "leadsource",
                "properties": {
                    "field": "email",
                    "operator": "endsWith",
                    "value": ""
                "type": "lead.field_value",
                "eventType": "condition",
                "anchorEventType": "source",
                "buttons": {
                    "save": ""
                "field": "email",
                "operator": "endsWith",
                "value": ""
            "triggerDate": null,
            "triggerInterval": 1,
            "triggerIntervalUnit": "d",
            "triggerHour": null,
            "triggerRestrictedStartHour": null,
            "triggerRestrictedStopHour": null,
            "triggerRestrictedDaysOfWeek": [],
            "triggerMode": "immediate",
            "decisionPath": null,
            "parent": null
            "id": "new2",
            "name": "Modify contact's tags",
            "type": "lead.changetags",
            "eventType": "action",
            "order": 2,
            "properties": {
                "canvasSettings": {
                    "droppedX": "710",
                    "droppedY": "291"
                "name": "",
                "triggerMode": "immediate",
                "triggerDate": null,
                "triggerInterval": "1",
                "triggerIntervalUnit": "d",
                "triggerHour": "",
                "triggerRestrictedStartHour": "",
                "triggerRestrictedStopHour": "",
                "anchor": "yes",
                "properties": {
                    "add_tags": [
                "type": "lead.changetags",
                "eventType": "action",
                "anchorEventType": "condition",
                "buttons": {
                    "save": ""
                "triggerRestrictedDaysOfWeek": [],
                "add_tags": [
                "remove_tags": []
            "triggerDate": null,
            "triggerInterval": 1,
            "triggerIntervalUnit": "d",
            "triggerHour": null,
            "triggerRestrictedStartHour": null,
            "triggerRestrictedStopHour": null,
            "triggerRestrictedDaysOfWeek": [],
            "triggerMode": "immediate",
            "decisionPath": "yes",
            "parent": {"id": "new1"}
    "forms": [],
    "lists": [
            "createdByUser": "Admin User",
            "modifiedByUser": null,
            "id": 9,
            "name": "Segment Test 1",
            "publicName": "Segment Test 1",
            "alias": "segment-test-1",
            "description": null,
            "category": null
    "canvasSettings": {
        "nodes": [
                "id": "new1",
                "positionX": "810",
                "positionY": "186"
                "id": "new2",
                "positionX": "710",
                "positionY": "291"
                "id": "lists",
                "positionX": "833",
                "positionY": "50"
        "connections": [
                "sourceId": "lists",
                "targetId": "new1",
                "anchors": {
                    "source": "leadsource",
                    "target": "top"
                "sourceId": "new1",
                "targetId": "new2",
                "anchors": {
                    "source": "yes",
                    "target": "top"