Mautic v5 Dockerization & Migration Guide - Prevent Internal Server Error & Failed Database Migration


This document outlines the step-by-step process to export the database from the live Mautic instance, set up a Dockerized version of Mautic, and migrate the database for testing and future deployment.


  • Export the database from the live Mautic instance.
  • Set up a Dockerized Mautic environment locally.
  • Import the exported database into the new Dockerized instance.
  • Test and validate the migration.

1. Export Database from Live Instance

  1. Dump the Database and transfer it to Local Machine:
    • Run the following command to export the database:
      mysqldump -u <DB_USER> -p'<DB_PASSWORD>' --host=<DB_HOST> <DB_NAME> > mautic_backup.sql
  2. Export the necessary media files

2. Set Up Dockerized Mautic


  1. Clone Mautic Docker Repository:

    git clone
    cd docker-mautic
  2. Modify docker-compose.yml:

    • This file defines how Mautic and its dependencies run as containers.
    • Breakdown of Services:
      • db: Runs MySQL 8.0, storing the Mautic database.
      • mautic_web: Runs the latest Mautic web application, linked to the database.
      • mautic_cron: Handles Mautic’s scheduled tasks.
      • mautic_worker: Runs background tasks.
    • Environment Variables:
      • ${MYSQL_ROOT_PASSWORD}, ${MYSQL_DATABASE}, ${MYSQL_USER}, ${MYSQL_PASSWORD}: Database credentials.
    • Volumes:
      • Volumes ensure that Mautic’s configuration, logs, cache, media files, and cron jobs persist across container restarts.
      • Mounted directories include:
        • ./mautic/config:/var/www/html/config → Stores configuration files (local.php).
        • ./mautic/logs:/var/www/html/var/logs → Stores logs for debugging.
        • ./mautic/cache:/var/www/html/var/cache → Stores cached files to improve performance.
        • ./mautic/media/files:/var/www/html/docroot/media/files → Stores uploaded media files.
        • ./mautic/media/images:/var/www/html/docroot/media/images → Stores image assets.
        • ./cron:/opt/mautic/cron → Handles scheduled tasks for automation.
    • Health Checks & Dependencies:
      • The services depend on each other (depends_on ensures the database is ready before launching Mautic).
  3. Start the Docker Containers:

    docker-compose up -d
  4. Check Running Containers:

    docker ps

3. Import Database into Dockerized Mautic


  1. Copy the Database and Access the Mautic Database Container:

    docker cp /path/to/local/mautic_backup.sql <MAUTIC_DB_CONTAINER>:/path/in/container
    docker exec -it <MAUTIC_DB_CONTAINER> bash
  2. Mautic 5 uses Symfony and Doctrine updates, which may have changed the way JSON fields are handled. If Mautic previously used json_array and the new version expects json, this fix ensures compatibility.

    sed -i 's/\bjson_array\b/json/g' mautic_backup.sql
  3. Import the Backup:

    mysql -u <DB_USER> -p <DB_NAME> < /path/to/mautic_backup.sql
  4. Import media files:

docker cp /path/to/local/files <MAUTIC_DB_CONTAINER>:/var/www/html/docroot/media/files
docker cp /path/to/local/images <MAUTIC_DB_CONTAINER>:/var/www/html/docroot/media/images

5. Running migration

  1. Run the migration command and !! check the logs
docker compose exec <MAUTIC_WEB_CONTAINER> php ../bin/console doctrine:migrations:migrate --no-interaction --dry-run
  1. clear the cache
docker compose exec <MAUTIC_WEB_CONTAINER> php ../bin/console cache:clear

4. Testing & Validation


  1. Verify Database Integrity:

    • Run SQL queries to check if all tables and data exist.
  2. Check Logs:

  3. Access Mautic in the Browser:

    • Navigate to http://localhost:8001
    • Login with admin credentials.
    • Ensure the data is correctly migrated.

5. Notes

  • Set proper permission < MAUTIC_WEB_CONTAINER >
chown -R www-data:www-data /var/www/html/
find /var/www/html/ -type d -exec chmod 755 {} \;
find /var/www/html/ -type f -exec chmod 644 {} \;