Missing commands in the update manual to update Mautic

I have just updated from Mautic 5.1 to 5.1.1 via command line as here described:

Before Mautic has worked again, i had to set the rights before Mautic works again: In my case:
chown -R www-data:www-data /var/www/html/mautic
chmod -R 755 /var/www/html/mautic

I wrote that some time ago in my own manual to update Mautic - but i mean, that that would be important to add it in the manual.
Without the rights commands - Mautic is down.

Maybe you are all pro’s and you all know that as basics knowledge - but probably not all user are pro’s…

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This is happening due to user rights.
It would be amazing if user right management could be covered in the docs as well, especially because for many brave marketers Mautic is the first software they install via command line.


That is bad, don’t do that it can be a security nightmare, only do:
there is no need to make any file executable other than the console inside the bin directory

750 is setting the file executable by both the current user and his group, but only the current user itself can overwrite that file (basic security feature).
chmod 750 'PATH TO MAUTIC ROOT'/bin/console
755 is setting the file executable by both the current user and his group, but both can overwrite that file.
chmod 755 'PATH TO MAUTIC ROOT'/bin/console

@joeyk but actually, we can ask composer to manage this case, as of now, the user set basic right after setting mautic, so making the console working, then do composer update later and his conf is erased and console loose execution rights, and so the cron breaks instantly, all while composer can set the file to default to 750 at least if set correctly.

I have a non composer installation. Don’t know how what the reason is. But without the written commands my Mautic was not usable/reachable.

I have a clean Ubuntu 22.04 installation with no special tweaks.

As non pro Ubuntu user it would helpful, if the pro user her make e.g. a troubleshoot tutorial. What ca done, what can checked, if the update doesn’t work as expected…?