One signal setup

Your software
My Mautic version is: v3.3.2
My PHP version is: PHP Version 7.3.27
My Database type and version is: n/a

Your problem

Need help for where to find in my Onesignal account the answers to the following Mautic Onesignal setup questions

Safari Web ID
Shared key for push notifications

Steps I have tried to fix the problem: I have looked through docs and done search, feel like I am missing something obvious.

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I am just coming across this issue myself while updating our documentation. From what I am seeing, I think that perhaps the OneSignal way of doing things is changed and you no longer have to set up Safari separately. I think maybe we need to update the application (and our docs!) accordingly, but I am just trying to check in with others who use this integration.

Hi, any update on this?

Hi Gary!

Turns out you just use the key that is mentioned in the docs:

Option gcm_sender_id is a shared key used for push notifications. Use default value 482941778795. Previously it required your own key. Due backwards compatibility is editable (for older versions of Mautic).

Hi Ruth, I’ll give it a try! Thanks!

Hi Ruth,

By any chance has there been any progress on updating the One Signal plugin

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