Open source messaging platform?

Great to see Mautic, as a powerful marketing tool ecosystem, committed to being open source. We wouldn’t be using it otherwise. It’s a great point of difference - that you respect the rights of your users in a very real way. That’s why it sort of jars that you’re using Slack for your discussion channel… After trialling 3 open source messaging systems, Zulip, Mattermost, and Rocket.Chat, we were incredibly impressed by the standard of all 3 of them, and ultimately chose Rocket.Chat, and have been very happy with it as a solution. Having used both Slack and Rocket.Chat, I think Rocket.Chat offers a better User Experience, is more flexible, has more features (web-based video conferencing via WebRTC works nicely, and not just in Chrome), and is developing more quickly. Plus it gives ultimate power to its users. Wondering if Mautic would consider moving to an open source messaging platform?

Great to see Mautic, as a powerful marketing tool ecosystem, committed to being open source. We wouldn’t be using it otherwise. It’s a great point of difference - that you respect the rights of your users in a very real way. That’s why it sort of jars that you’re using Slack for your discussion channel… After trialling 3 open source messaging systems, Zulip, Mattermost, and Rocket.Chat, we were incredibly impressed by the standard of all 3 of them, and ultimately chose Rocket.Chat, and have been very happy with it as a solution. Having used both Slack and Rocket.Chat, I think Rocket.Chat offers a better User Experience, is more flexible, has more features (web-based video conferencing via WebRTC works nicely, and not just in Chrome), and is developing more quickly. Plus it gives ultimate power to its users. Wondering if Mautic would consider moving to an open source messaging platform?

By the way, you can wrap Rocket.Chat around an existing Slack channel to ease the transition, and or import an entire Slack channel’s archives to make a clean break :slight_smile:

I was also wondering about this. Both are super cool open source projects. Would be great if they worked together if not just for an integration.