Synchronisation with Nextcloud Contacts with CardDav

My idea is:
A plugin/extension to synchronize contacts with nextcloud.

With the options which fields and what is the source field in Matic and what the target field in Nextcloud. And in what way way the synch should work.
Nextcloud → Mautc or Mautic → Nextcloud.
Or with the option, that the user can set, that only contacts with a special tag (Mautic) or a special Categorie (Nextcloud) would transmit.

Nextcloud is for me the cloud where all contacts are saved and synchronize it with CardDav/CalDav to Thunderbird e-Mailer and to Android Smartphone with Davx5 App.
Works perfect and i’m away from google contacts…

Are you willing to work on this idea?:
I would work als tester. Ah the moment i’m a tester of Mixxx alpha and beta versions.


This will be a highly appreciated and very useful integration for FOSS community., indeed.