Yeah saw that feature and very keen to explore that one further.
That has been rolled back into the advanced twig templates too, although not as well maintained has prob more features

Just gotta align the mautic segments/tags with the rss categories/tags

I am more likely going to explore that with ecommerce, specifically woocommerce as that is prob more commercial and can easily tie into an automation recommendation engine, price drops etc etc all driven from a website.

Then real estate, yeah big game changer as Properties are easily segmented into price, bed/bath/car and location/suburb.
I can then also tie in open for inspections too

My next challenge is figuring out how to pull mautic custom objects into an email.
I use custom objects for enquiry management (form submissions), so multiple enquiries Iā€™d want to spin off relevant information to the project in question.

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Progress :slight_smile:

You may find this one valuable,
ultimately gives us the ability to set css classes or in my case below left/right direction based on index

<mj-section css-class="section" padding="10px" background-color="#ffffff" direction="{{ loop.index is odd ? 'rtl' : 'ltr' }}">

rough draft

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Wow thank you, very elegant way of iterating float

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