Unable to install Mautic 5.0.2 with composer

I am unable to install mautic 5.0.2 with Composer. Please help me. I am not technically sound. Please guide me with step by step process if possible.
My environment:

  1. Canonical, Ubuntu Server Pro, 22.04 LTS
  2. nginx server
  3. PHP 8.0 & 8.1
    I followed this link to install:
    Installation — Mautic Documentation 0.1 documentation

Facing Error 1: After using the command
“composer create-project mautic/recommended-project:^5 mautic --no-interaction”,
I got “npm: not found” error at the end. (Image 1)

Facing Error 2: After using the command
“composer require mautic/helloworld-bundle”,
I got “…your php version (8.0.30) dose not satisfy…” error (Image 2)

Facing Error 3: I changed my PHP version to 8.1 and again applied the command “composer require mautic/helloworld-bundle”,
I got “…your php version (8.1.27) does not satisfy…” error (Image 3)

Can anyone help me?

The problem is that you do not have npm installed on your system.

Mautic requires npm during installation process to build the assets.

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