Uncaught PHP Exception FatalThrowableError Call to a member function getCount()

I had a similar problem. Everything was working except for dashboard.
You may need to reset your desktop widgets params from the database one by one and see which widget is causing this problem.

see this post: Mautic crashed: internal server error after editing dashboard “Best email read hours” widget - Support - Mautic Community Forums

Here’s how I fixed that:

SSH into your server.

1 .Fist login as root user in your mysql.

sudo mysql -u root
  1. Replace mautic-database-name with your own mautic database name and run this in mysql interface:
USE mautic-database-name;
  1. Print widgets table:
SELECT * FROM widgets;
  1. find out the ID of the widget that is broken and update its params, in my case the ID of the widget was 7, so:
UPDATE widgets SET params = "a:0:{}" WHERE id = 7;

Repeat step 4 for your all widgets one be one, starting for the widget you suspect is causing problems.

You can also do all this from phpmyadmin if you have that installed.
