Update to v2.16.2 runtime exceptions and other log entries

Your software
My Mautic version is: 2.16.0
My PHP version is:7.2.29

Your problem

usr/bin/ea-php72 /home/xxxxxx/public_html/xxxxxx.com/app/console mautic:update:apply

[2020-04-16 16:26:02] mautic.NOTICE: Symfony\Component\Console\Exception\RuntimeException: Aborted (uncaught exception) at /home/xxxxxx/public_html/xxxxxx.com/vendor/symfony/console/Helper/QuestionHelper.php line 138 while running console command mautic:update:apply

Line 138 of QuestionHelper.php - anybody have a clue?

        if (false === $ret) {
            $ret = fgets($inputStream, 4096);
            if (false === $ret) {
                throw new RuntimeException('Aborted');
            $ret = trim($ret);