301 Landing Pages


I would, of course, like to begin by extending to you and all the members of your team my best wishes for this new year.

Mautic is a very nice product, i ve some questions

I would like to deploy a landing page campaign with A/B tests but I m not able to manage my content web pages with mautic. So I would like to setup to virtual pages in mautic with 2 redirections, like hereafter :

50% - Landing page 1 -> r301 (with tracking asset for example)-> CMS A

50% - Landing page 2 -> R301 (with tracking asset for example) ->CMS B

is it possible to get an admin theme and a public theme separated to get differents behaviors ?

Or is it possible to fork the admin part to stay compliant with the nexts updates to add some fields and possibilities in the landing pages administration ?

Best Regards

Grégory Loth


I would, of course, like to begin by extending to you and all the members of your team my best wishes for this new year.
Mautic is a very nice product, i ve some questions
I would like to deploy a landing page campaign with A/B tests but I m not able to manage my content web pages with mautic. So I would like to setup to virtual pages in mautic with 2 redirections, like hereafter :
50% - Landing page 1 -> r301 (with tracking asset for example)-> CMS A
50% - Landing page 2 -> R301 (with tracking asset for example) ->CMS B
is it possible to get an admin theme and a public theme separated to get differents behaviors ?
Or is it possible to fork the admin part to stay compliant with the nexts updates to add some fields and possibilities in the landing pages administration ?

Best Regards

Grégory Loth

Hi, Happy New Year to you as well!

I’m not sure if you are asking on 301 redirects as the beginning of your post or a theme improvements as at the second part of your post. Are those questions somehow related? What do you mean by admin theme? Mautic has 3 default themes.

Hi, thanks for your reply,

Yes those questions are related, I 'm trying to find ways to solve my issue
Mautic use same theme for Admin view and Public view, correct ?
A theme describes the fields of the landing page. in admin’s view to set data, in public’s view to display data, but in my case I don’t want to display them, just using them for the redirect building.

To resolve my issue , I have two choices,the first one to create a specific theme for the public view (if it is possible to get information context public / admin)
The second one, to fork / modify the normal behaviour of Mautic for the 301 redirects, which are use only when the landing page is not published.

I hope those explications will be more explicit

I think I understand now. There are 3 default themes. Each can be edited in the administration (in the builder) and when viewing them on their public URL they are read only. But both times it is the same theme.

So your issue is that you want to use Mautic to handle the A/B testing, but you want to use something else for displaying the pages. Well, if I were you, I wouldn’t go this way because it will take 2 times longer to load the website. There are more tools which can handle the A/B testing so I’d look for those alternatives. No, I wouldn’t. I’d use Mautic, but if you don’t like it, use another tool for that.

Or you can hack Mautic to do what you want, but I don’t think there is a way to configure a redirect on landing page load.

Ok, thank you for your time
I ll try an others ways, because I want to stay compliant with Mautic for using his others fantastic behaviours

Best Regards