Add contact to segment based on URL visit?

Mautic is successfully creating contacts when visitors visit a page. I want to add all contacts that visit to a segment called “site visitors”.

I thought that setting up a filter of “Visited URL > contains:” would put all of the contacts into the segment, however none of the contacts are being added with that filter, even though they have visited “”.

How do I automatically all add all site visitors to a segment?

I’m doing something similar, but using a campaign.

In the URL field of the Visits a Page trigger I’m using a wildcard of, in my case, *salesforce*, so that if they visit any page on my site with salesforce in the URL it matches. Then I have an action to tag them (I mostly have dynamic segments based on tags)

visited url segments are really slow to update. anyone else facing this?

Yeah, that’s relative :slight_smile: Imagine how many lines of SQL you need to sweep through.
But yes, you should not use it for many segments all the time.

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