Adding new Meta Directives to base.html.twig


In previous versions the base,html.twig has a directive as in code block 1 that seems to have been superseded by code block 2. My question is which is correct and is it possible to add further meta items to this area for example:

"this one probably won't work as it is an image"???

{% if page is defined %} {{ page.getTitle() }} {% endif %}
{% if page is defined %} {pagetitle} {% endif %}


In previous versions the base,html.twig has a directive as in code block 1 that seems to have been superseded by code block 2. My question is which is correct and is it possible to add further meta items to this area for example:

[i]"this one probably won't work as it is an image"???[/i]

{% if page is defined %} <title>{{ page.getTitle() }}</title> <meta name="description" content="{{ page.getMetaDescription() }}"> {% endif %}

{% if page is defined %} <title>{pagetitle}</title> <meta name="description" content="{pagemetadescription}"> {% endif %}