API call to send email with JSON Body and TWIG Template Module

Your software
My Mautic version is: 4.4.8
My PHP version is: 7
My Database type and version is: MySQL 5.7.43

Your problem
My problem is:

I am having an issue evaluating JSON that has been sent in an API request to send an email while using the MTC Extendee TWIG template module.

I am calling the send email API with a JSON body :

“tokens”: {
“cart”: [{“sku”:“A100”,“name”:“Item 1”},{“sku”:“Z200”,“name”:“Item 2”}]

and on the twig template side:

{% for item in cart %}
Name: {{ item.name }}
SKU: {{ item.sku }}
{% endfor %}

however in my email, it does not evaluate this TWIG and print the items in the array. Could you please tell me if I am doing something incorrect.

MTC extendee twig works differently.
You need to place the json in a variable (for example in abandoned cart contact variable)
Then you add to your Twig Template:

{% for item in cart %}
Name: {{ item.name }}
SKU: {{ item.sku }}
{% endfor %}

Then you send the email with using the token for that twig template: {twigtemplate=1} for example.