API error The response has unexpected status code (0)

Hi! I’m trying to connect with the API using Basic Auth but I’m getting an error 0.
It’s not a caché problem, i’m deleting the caché frequently.
The full response it’s:

array(1) { [“errors”]=> array(1) { [0]=> array(2) { [“code”]=> int(0) [“message”]=> string(56) "The response has unexpected status code (0). Response: " } } }

That’s my code:

And all good in the config:


The code return the same error in post/update but works!

It’s not working only for GET method, only returns the 0 error.

Any help? Thanks!

Any idea @joeyk ? Im stuck on this.

Sorry no. I’m not a real developer. If it works for put/post but not for GET, then I’m also lost.