API OAuth1a

Im trying to implement the OAuth1a authorization with the Mautic API. I have two servers. One on a main .com where Mautic lives, and another “services” subdomain which I am trying to request the API.

Ive created keys in Mautic, enabled the API.

I am trying to use the apitester in the api-library to test OAuth1a, It is sending the authorization request but getting back a “signature_invalid” response.

Anyone having this issue?

Im just trying to get access to the API without having to deal with a browser login/ Im calling from my services server which does not have a web front end.



Im trying to implement the OAuth1a authorization with the Mautic API. I have two servers. One on a main .com where Mautic lives, and another “services” subdomain which I am trying to request the API.

Ive created keys in Mautic, enabled the API.

I am trying to use the apitester in the api-library to test OAuth1a, It is sending the authorization request but getting back a “signature_invalid” response.

Anyone having this issue?

Im just trying to get access to the API without having to deal with a browser login/ Im calling from my services server which does not have a web front end.


I tested the connection via oAuth1a with API tester and the authorization went fine. Then I tried to get all leads and all leads were received.

I’m having the same issue.
I’m using org.springframework.social.oauth1.OAuth1Template exchangeForToken method

My generated header is like :
Authorization: OAuth oauth_nonce=“1174183694”, oauth_callback=“https%3A%2F%2Fmy.server.com%2Fmain%2FoAuth1.html”, oauth_consumer_key=“myKey”, oauth_signature_method=“HMAC-SHA1”, oauth_timestamp=“1462874380”, oauth_version=“1.0”, oauth_signature="%2F4bqF6vSL1IfwkBCN3%2BzfTrGHWM%3D"

when I didn’t send the oauth_callback, it works, but I need to send it.

ok when I don’t send “oauth_callback” in the" /oauth/v1/request_token" url but only in the “/oauth/v1/authorize” url, it seems to work.

unconnected whit that, it seems you missed one thing in the delete lead api doc


I think the right url is /leads/ID/delete instead of /leads/ID