Background: I try to setup some SMS related stuff. I create contacts with SMS numbers, but they have no email. Thus appear as anonymous, which they aren’t.
I know I can use today as a variable for day fields. What other variables are you aware of? Wonder if there is a way to reference other fiels, so I could for instance write {mobile} as a placeholder into the email field via the campaign.
Are you aware of variables, that may be useful to generate something unique in this case?
I’m running into a situation where I would also like to be able to use variables to update custom fields from within a campaign. Is this possible yet? Also is it possible to generate a random value in a field? My use case here is for creating coupon codes.
yes you can update custom fields from a campaign, but… for exactly this situation (coupon codes) we didn’t find any way to use native functions to generate them on the fly of to pull from a list of coupon codes available.