Bitnami Mautic windows schedule tasks

I have installed bitnami mautic on bitnami wamp stack for windows 10 with no problems and trying to run it on localhost . I used windows task scheduler to trigger or update campaigns or leadlists using the commands given in Bitnami documentation but none worked . I tried to put the task program to run as( installdir/php/php.exe ) and the argument as (installdir/apps/mautic/htdocs/app/console mautic:campaigns:trigger --env=prod ) and the same format for leadlists and campaigns update and set it to execute once a day but none worked. Any suggestions to modify the above is very much appreciated.

Same here, did you solve it?

I have installed bitnami mautic on bitnami wamp stack for windows 10 with no problems and trying to run it on localhost . I used windows task scheduler to trigger or update campaigns or leadlists using the commands given in Bitnami documentation but none worked . I tried to put the task program to run as( installdir/php/php.exe ) and the argument as (installdir/apps/mautic/htdocs/app/console mautic:campaigns:trigger --env=prod ) and the same format for leadlists and campaigns update and set it to execute once a day but none worked. Any suggestions to modify the above is very much appreciated.