Composer detected issues in your platform: Your Composer dependencies require a PHP version ">= 7.4.0"

Windows 7
My PHP version is : 8.1.4 in Windows
My PHP version is : 8.0.6 in Xampp
My PHP version is : 8.1.2 in Hostinger VPS Cyberpaner control panel Hosting Server

My MySQL version is (delete as applicable): 5

Installing Errors
I am (delete as applicable): Installing
installing via (delete as applicable) : Web

These errors are showing in the installer : Composer detected issues in your platform: Your Composer dependencies require a PHP version “>= 7.4.0”.

These errors are showing in the Mautic log :

Your problem
My problem is : As mentioned above I get a composer issue.

Steps I have tried to fix the problem : I made a different subdomain and changed the PHP version to 8.1 in another folder but the error: Mautic does not support 8 and asked to downgrade PHP

Can someone please help me asap

Unfortunately, PHP8 is not an option yet.
4.0 7.4 (8.0 support is currently WIP)

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The error is telling you that to install the tree of dependencies you need to use PHP7.4.

To ignore the requirement (don’t do this on production) you can use “—ignore-platform-req php”

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