Configure zend.assertions = -1 in php.ini for production environments for faster and more stable execution

My Mautic version is: 4.4.2
My PHP version is: PHP Version 8.0.23
My Database type and version is: 10.4.20-MariaDB-log

Hi, I have recomendation notification.
It says:

Configure zend.assertions = -1 in php.ini for production environments for faster and more stable execution.

But,i check there is no php.ini on my Mautic Folder or can not fine php.ini on this folder /usr/php80/etc/php.ini. This folder /usr/php80/etc doesn’t exist.

Should i create php.ini and add 1 line for zend.assertions = -1?

GIF Recording 2022-09-11 at 3.02.46 PM

Here what i’ve found on my mautic installation folder. Only 2 php.ini but not on this path /usr/php80/etc/php.ini

This is php setting and it has nothing to do with mautic.

You should find the config option in PHP ini file usually inside /etc/php folder and adjust it. When you have adjusted it, restart the php service / web server for config to take an effect.

And also backup the current php ini file so you can revert back if something goes bad.

Hi @mzagmajster

That is the problem, i can not find this path /etc/php
my mautic folder doesn’t have this folder. There’s no hidden file or hidden folder.
I am using Stackcp panel.

Here is the only php.ini in my mautic

And here are the php folder, not found any /etc/php folder

I believe you will find out how to change php setting following this link: < Changing your PHP configuration through our control panel. | 20i >

I’ll discuses with my hosting company. I will update if any information.