September 14, 2021, 11:47am
Your software : MAUTIC 4.0
My PHP version is : 7.4
*My MariaDB version: 10.4
My problem is* : I need to create plugin for Mautic 4.0. Is the process the same as done for Mautic 3.0? Can you please guide me to the correct link that explains set by step on how to create a plugin. Thanks
Steps I have tried to fix the problem :
September 14, 2021, 11:49am
Or is there any readymade wrapper in which I could place the custom API code and create the plugin?
Pretty much the same - there are some great sessions from Mautic Conference Global on YouTube:
The developer docs might be helpful:
Mautic Developer Documentation
in addition to:
Deprecations etc can be found in:
# Backwards compatibility breaking changes
* Platform Requirements
* Minimal PHP version was increased from 7.3 to 7.4.
* Minimal MySQL version was increased from x to x
* OAuth1 support has been removed. Mautic supports the OAuth2 standard, including the Client Credentials grant, which was added in Mautic 4. Documentation can be found here: https://developer.mautic.org/#client-credentials
* Symfony 4
* Symfony deprecations were removed or refactored [https://github.com/symfony/symfony/blob/4.4/UPGRADE-4.0.md](https://github.com/symfony/symfony/blob/4.4/UPGRADE-4.0.md)
* Services are now private by default in Symfony 4. Mautic has a "hack" to register its own services as public but dependency injection should be preferred for Commands, Controllers, and services. Some Symfony services may no longer be available to the Controller via the Container.
* \Mautic\CoreBundle\Form\Type\YesNoButtonGroupType now uses false/true values which Symfony 4 will convert to empty values for No in the UI. This shouldn't cause issues for most unless the field is using a NotBlank constraint, which is no longer valid, or submitting a form via a functional test with 0 as the value of a YesNoButtonGroupType field.
* Packages removed
* debril/rss-atom-bundle removed
* egeloen/ordered-form-bundle removed
* sensio/distribution-bundle removed
* codeception/codeception removed
* joomla/http removed (see note on `mautic.http.connector` below)
* ricardofiorani/guzzle-psr18-adapter removed
* codeception/codeception removed
* Packages updated
* (all symfony/* packages)
This file has been truncated. show original
(we are in the process of moving to a new developer docs setup, so we’re a bit behind with keeping the docs up to date).