Is it possible (through a custom theme or by means of any other tweak) to specify a custom style for the popup focus item?
I want to customise more than simply the colours and fonts.
I need things like adding a background image, change the close button from the “x” to a .png image (lightbox style)
Any thoughts on this?
I’m a php developer so I’m not worried if the solution involves getting the hands dirty with code and similar stuff
Thank you very much
Is it possible (through a custom theme or by means of any other tweak) to specify a custom style for the popup focus item?
I want to customise more than simply the colours and fonts.
I need things like adding a background image, change the close button from the “x” to a .png image (lightbox style)
Any thoughts on this?
I’m a php developer so I’m not worried if the solution involves getting the hands dirty with code and similar stuff ;D
Thank you very much
Today I got into problem with css mautic focus. Then I find the css source in the path here. Hope it’s useful for you!
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