Custom Field for Contact containing HTML

I have created a Custom Field / Label for a customer where I insert some HTML case: Test

But when i include this field in my mail mautic strips HTML tags so I’m left with “Test” only

Any way for Mautic not to strip HTML tags?

I have created a Custom Field / Label for a customer where I insert some HTML case: Test
But when i include this field in my mail mautic strips HTML tags so I’m left with “Test” only

Any way for Mautic not to strip HTML tags?

Same problem here. Looking for a solution…

We posted the same question last month :slight_smile:

What we did was encode the html in base64 and use this plugin to decode the base64 in the template.

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@kuzmany’s MauticCustomTags plugin worked great. Thanks, @gary.harrison for the tip!

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