Your software
My Mautic version is: 4.45
My PHP version is: 7.4.33
My Database type and version is: 10.3.39-MariaDB
Your problem
My problem is:
Im getting this error message: WARNING: PHP Warning - Invalid argument supplied for foreach() - in file /home/root2/public_html/data/app/bundles/LeadBundle/Helper/CustomFieldValueHelper.php - at line 57 {“field”:{“id”:“45”,“label”:“C_TestContact”,“alias”:“c_testcontact”,“type”:“boolean”,“group”:“core”,“object”:“lead”,“is_fixed”:“0”,“properties”:“a:2:{s:2:no";s:2:"No";s:3:"yes";s:3:"Yes";}"”,“default_value”:null,“value”:“1”},“value”:“1”,“type”:“boolean”,“properties”:false} {“hostname”:“”,“pid”:25734}
I have created custom fields directly in the DB, perhaps that is the issue?
Steps I have tried to fix the problem: Nothing