Data importing issue

I have set up the project.
1 .forked the repo
2. downloaded and install all things
3. it is opening with

but Now I am not able to run the ddev exec bin/console d:f:l to load the data.

Please let me know how can I fix this issue. I am using windows and vs code editor.

Hi, did you try to do exactly what the nice feedback said?
Use dos2unix?

Yes, Actually I am getting error for file not found error while executing the command.

This process I have followed for project setup

  1. forked and then clone git repo

  2. installed ddev, ubutnu and then ddev config

  3. made the changes to .yaml file

  4. ddev start and project has been started on the given address.

is there something I have done wrong or I have missed something?

Any solution?

Your problem is that you are trying to run dos2unix inside windwos Powershell.

Download git bash for windows and try something like the following:

cd /c/xampp/htdocs/mautic
find . -type f -exec dos2unix.exe {} \;

This should go over all the files in all directories and convert the line endings, additionally I would consider setting git eof to lf

Hope it helps.

I have solved this issue. Thanks

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